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Unit 8 When is your birthday.docx

1、Unit 8 When is your birthdayUnit 8 When is your birthday?教学目标:1学会日期表达法(月份,日期)2解生日更多的含义并学会谈论自己,同学以及父母家人的生日3会合理的安排自己的作息时间,做时间的主人。教学向导:语言功能:谈论日期语言目标:月份的使用,序数词的使用,when 引导的特殊疑问句语言结构:when 引导的特殊疑问句, s 所有格形式, 询问年龄(标准用法)重点词汇:months of the year, ordinal number 1st-31st, birthday party ,speech, contest, school

2、 trip学习策略与思维技巧:角色扮演,自我评价跨学科学习:艺术:制作小挂历数学:计算社会实践:制作日程安排 period 1Step1. Greeting:T: Good morning, everyone. What day is today? Whats the date today? Oh, I remember, today is my mothers birthday.S: Happy birthday to your mother!T: Thank you very much. By the way, when is your birthday?S: My birthday is

3、.T: Ok, this class well study the new lesson : When is your birthday?Step 2. Lets see the new words well use.First read by themselves. Then read after the recorder.Step 3. Lets come to 1a. Listen and repeat. Then practice the sentence: When is your birthday? with the twelve months. For example: When

4、 is your birthday? My birthday is June fourth.Step 4. Lets listen and number the conversations (1 -3)After listening, show the students how to express the date.Then show some pictures of calendar. Point some days and let them say out.Show a calendar and practice the sentence: When is your birthday?S

5、tep 5. listen and repeat. Listen carefully and circle the date in the conversation.Step 6. Listen and match the names , months, and days. After listening, check the answers. And ask who is all right?Step 7.Make a card and make a dialogue like the following:A: Hello! When is your birthday?B: My birth

6、day is .A: How old are you ?B: Im .A: Whats your telephone number?B: My telephone number is .Step 8. Ask your friends birthday and write it down.Step 9. Who knows your father and mothers birthday?You are great!Tell them: we should care for our parents more.Step 10. Do some exercises1.Can you say som

7、e national festivals of China? When are they?2. Answer the following questionsSummary:Homework: Write five sentences about you and your family: My name is . Im . My birthday is . My mothers birthdays is .教后反思:新目标英语Go for it 的教材选材非常贴近学生的生活实际。每学完一个单元学生就能用英语进行简单的交流。充分体现了学以致用的教学原则。学生已经从死背语法知识,机械模仿句型为主的学

8、习方式过渡到“做中学”的活学活用阶段。学生的学习积极性大大提高,课堂气氛也更加活跃。课堂上把时间还给学生,让每个学生都动起来。学生通过讨论交流和合作方式展示他们丰富的想象力和创造力。教师应为学生创设宽松,和谐,民主的学习气氛,设计多种合作方式或活动内容,多思考导入的途径和技巧。怎样让每个孩子都说话,每个任务都有话说。 Period 2Step 1. Greeting. Good morning.:Step 2. go over some words we learned last class. Say twelve months of a year.Make a dialogue like:

9、When is your birthday? My birthday is .Step 3. Do you have a calendar in Chinese at home? Please make a calendar in English by yourself. And please mark your birthday and your parents birthdays on your English calendar.Step 4. 班级生日册I have an English calendar. Let me tell you when my birthday is. My

10、birthday is December 21st. When is your birthday?NamesBirthdayMonthDate1.Four students a group. Ask their partners: When is your birthday? And then write the date in the chart.2.Let one of the students in a group tell us.3.Order the dates of the students birthdays in turn. And try to find how many s

11、tudents do they have birthday in one day?Step 5. 寻找同学们共同喜欢的日子Which day do you like best in a year? I like December 25th, because its Christmas Day. And it is also my birthday. What about you? When is your birthday?Step 6. do some exercises用所给词的正确形式填空1.Today is her _(eight) birthday.2.This is _ (I) m

12、other.3.Lets _ (watch)TV.4.That _(sound) good.5.Do you _ (like) basketball?6.She is _(shop).7.Henry _ (have) a computer game.8.I have a pair of _ (sock).9.These are my _(photo).10.There _ (be) a basketball and some books on the desk.句型转换1 My birthday is October tenth.(就划线部分提问)_ is _ birthday?2.I was

13、 born in 1985.(就划线部分提问)_ _ were you born?3.Vera is fifteen. (就划线部分提问)_ _ is Vera?4.We have a pop concert every year.(变为一般疑问句)_ you _ a pop concert every year?5.How old are you?(同义转换)_ your _?教后反思:结合学生的实际,让学生统计同学的生日,寻找自己喜欢的日子,通过这些真实的活动任务,帮助学生学习语言和运用语言,并开展合作学习。 Period 3Step 1. GreetingStep 2. Check th

14、e new words we learned last class.Step 3. Do the exercises写出下列日期的英文表达法(6分)3月12 日_ 8月14 日_ 1月5 日_7月20 日_ 12月21 日_ 9月9 日_根据句意填入所缺单词,每空一词(8分)1.I was b_ in January 15th.2.When is your b_,Nick? Its June 4th.3.H_ old is your sister?4.We have an Art F_ each year.5.I like basketball and v_.6.When is your sc

15、hool t_?7.Jane is thirteen y_ old.8.O_ 1st is our National Day.(国庆节)Step 4. Lets look at the textbook.Match the pictures and the events. Write the correct letters next to the word.The keys: 1. d 2. c 3. b 4. aLets come to 2a Listen and check the events above that you hear.Then listen again and fill

16、in Joes calendar.Step 5. Pairworkfor example:A: When is Basketball game?B: Its on October 3.Step 6. Do you have these events at your school? Check the boxes. Write the month, if you know it. Think of one more event.For example:A: What events do you have at your school?B: We have an Art Festival each

17、 year.A: When is it?B: Its in April.A: Do you have a pop concert?B: Sorry, I dont know.Step 7. Writing practiceWrite five things about yourself on a piece of paper. Another student will read it to the class. Can your classmate guess who the student is?Im fifteen years old. My brothers birthday is Ja

18、nuary 1st. I like baseball and volleyball.教后反思:在课堂上,教师是参与者,帮助者,学生是活动的主体,学生的任务是开放的。学生以小组为单位进行活动,在较真实的语境中锻炼口头、笔头能力。有利于培养学生的合作精神,促进学科之间的渗透和交融。 Period 4Step 1. Greeting: Good morningStep 2. Lets go over the new words and make sentences with them.Step 3. Look at the photos of famous people. Try to find t

19、heir names and their birthdays.Step 4. Do the exercises.选择正确答案1.Li Mings birthday is _ April 11.A.on D.of2.My birthday is _ March.A.on D.of3.The boy is only _.Today is his _ birthday.A.five;five B.fifth;five C.fifth;five D.five;fifth4._ today? Its Monday.A.What day is B.Whats the

20、 date C.When is D.How is5._ is the third month of a year.A.January B.February C.March D.April6.There are _ months in a year.A.twenty B.twelve C.twelfth D.twentieth7.-_ is New Years Day?-Its January 1st.A.Which day B.What day C.What D.When8.Sunday is the _ day of a week.A.third B.second C.first D.las

21、t适当的代词替换划线的单词()1. Marys birthday is tomorrow. A. His B. I C. Their D. Her()2. Johns coat is brown. A. You B. Her C. His D. He()3. Jane Johnsons date of birth is June 3. A. Their B. Them C. Her D. She()4. Pablos and Bills birthdays are in October. A. Their B. My C. Them D. Theirs()5. My sisters favor

22、ite game is baseball. A. Your B. My C. I D. Her按正确的顺序排列序号Mary:Im fourteen.1.John:Hi! Is today your birthday?2.John:How old are you?3.John:Congratulations!4.Mary:Yes, it is._选择正确的单词填空speech contests who when January August us we school trips1. _ is she?2._are Sam and Martha going to the game?3.Please

23、, Mom, let _ have a party!4.The eighth month is _5.Does your class go on _?完成句子1.你们学校有什么活动?_ _ do you have at your school?2.在四月份有一场英语演讲赛。There is _ _ _ contest _ _.3.我弟弟的生日是1月1日。My brothers birthday is _ _.4.你是哪年出生的?_ _ were you born?5.8月份我们要去郊游。We are going to have a _ _ _ _.6.我们每年都有一次艺术节。We have _

24、 _ _ each year.阅读下列邀请函并回答问题Its My Birthday!Ann White hopes you can come to her party!Time:4:30 Date: Sunday, February 16thPlace: Flat 13A,Dong Qian BuildingTelephone:8906211.When is Anns party? _2.At what time is it going to start? _3.Where is she going to have her party? _4.Whats her telephone number? _5.Whats her address? _教后反思:现在的英语课堂是开放式的,本着启发学生思维,培养学生的观察力,想象力,创新能力和合作精神的原则,我们设置了如上这些题目。其中“阅读下列邀请函并回答问题”,能够调动学生课外英语学习的积极性,锻炼学生独立或以合作形式收集资料、处理信息的能力。为学生提供实际运用英语的机会。

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