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1、雅思task1写作 图表作文 考试时间 建议20分钟 篇幅要求 150-170 words 评分权重 40% 评分标准 Task Fulfillment指在正确审题的基础上完成题目的各项指令和要求,能选择有用信息进行全面评述,呈现并强调要点和特点。或指对题目的应答响应 Coherence and cohesion指文章通过一定的衔接手段( cohesive devices )来表明上下文的连贯性.常用的衔接手段或语篇纽带有逻辑(logical),语法(grammatical)和语义(semantic)三方面的连接词(connectors)。 Vocabulary and structure指的

2、是文章的语言表达, 如用词丰富, 语法准确和句型多样性等。 图表类型 曲线图 (line chart) 饼状图 (pie chart) 柱状图 (bar chart) 表格 (table) 流程图 (flow chart) 地图 (map) 图表类型应重点关注的图表类型 流程图 曲线图 混合图 柱状图 图表作文注意事项 注意时态 选择重要信息起点,拐点,终点,变化趋势必须交代清楚 不能解释背后原因或深层次含义千万不可以出现I think我认为这些字样。 图表作文要求 Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main fe

3、atures, and make comparisons where relevant. 通过选择和报告信息主要特征的方式,归纳图表中提供的信息,并对关联事物作出比较。 图表作文写作步骤(一)审题:1.看清图表类型2.先读题干信息,后读图表信息3.读线状图时看清横纵轴的含义4.看清楚单位,在写作的时候抄进文章 看图一定要看清楚单位,如果图上标出了km,millions 这样的单位可千万抄到文章里,否则就全错了。 当数字实在看不准时,是允许用“大约”这类词的,比如about/around/just over/just under/approximately. 关键点没有落在坐标轴上时,也允许目测

4、数值。(二)构思:确定段数:开头段+主体段+结尾段主体段个数的确定原则:(1)多个图:几个图就写几个主体段(2)一个图:按照分类元素确定主体段个数(三)写作:1.开头段,主体段,结尾段缺一不可2.常用图表作文表达必须全部掌握3.使用逻辑衔接词和转承短语注意时间控制:20 mins(四)检查: 字数 单词拼写,不要缩写 单位 时态 (开头段永远是一般现在时) 语法错误:主谓一致,缺少或者多余谓语,没有连词等6. Format(格式)-indented form(缩进式) & block form(齐头式) 首段写作方法 最基本方法对题目进行改写 首段时态一般现在时永远! 牢记三要素时间段、图表内

5、容、数据形式 首段: 介绍段主要注意改写题目,不要照搬照抄。 避免照抄题目的方法有四种 1)改变题目中关键词的词性; 2)改变题目中关键词的位置; 3)用同义次取代其中某一些词; 4)灵活地加入图表中的其他文字信息(譬如说时间、性别、国家等) 首段写作 首段写作 The graph below shows the proportion of the population aged 65 and over between 1940 and 2040 in three different countries. percentage 首段写作The graphs below show the enr

6、olments of overseas students and local students in Britains universities.改写题目:The graphs provide information about the proportions of overseas students and local students enrolled in Britains universities from 1989 to 1999. 首段写作 The average US family had 4.5 people in 1915, 3.3 in 1967 and 2.6 in 20

7、06. 改写 The average family size in the US has been shrinking, from 3.3 people in 1967 to 2.6 people in 2006, compared to 4.5 people in 1915. 图表作文常用表达总结10种趋势类1.上升,增加: go up, ascend, grow ,climb up increase, rise, ( v / n) show an upward trend 增加了 increase by 增加到 increase to 2. 急剧上升,大幅度上升:(1).Jump, sho

8、ot up, surge, soar (不加修饰语)(2).go up / ascend / grow / increase / rise / climb up + sharply / rapidly / dramatically / drastically /steeply/ significantly/ substantially 3. 小幅度上升:go up / ascend / grow / increase / rise/ climb up +modestly / slightly / marginally /moderately experience a slight growth

9、 in4. 平稳上升,逐渐上升:go up / ascend / grow / increase / rise+ gradually / consistently / steadily / slowly / step by step 5.下降,减少:decrease, decline, fall, drop, ( v / n)go down, descend, sink, dip show a downward trend 6. 急剧下降,大幅度下降:(1).plummet, plunge (不加修饰语)(2).下降8个+大幅度7个9.波动,(在间)起伏不定:fluctuate v.用法:fl

10、uctuate between and fluctuate over the period of fluctuate over these 24 hoursfluctuation n. 用法:rise with some fluctuations10. 保持平稳,平衡,静止不动:level off at, level out at +数字/百分比 hover at , stabilize at, reach a plateau at remain / stay/ keep stable/ unchanged at1.倍数基础表达法:这张桌子是那张桌子的三倍大。 This table is 3

11、times as big as that one. This table is 3 times bigger than that one. This table is 3 times the size of that one. The size of this table is 3 times of that one.今年的产量是2006年的3倍。The output of this year is 3 times what it was in 2006.4种数字类:1.倍数基础表达法:A +istimes +as+ adj.原级+as +BA +istimes+ adj.比较级+than +

12、BA +istimes+ the size/length/height/width/depth +of + BThe size/length/height/width/depth +of+ A+ istimes of +BThe +n.+is times+ what从句倍数高级表达法:(1)是原来的倍:数字 + -fold (2)增长或者下降了倍: 数字-1 + -fold shows / experiences / witnesses/ undergo a three-fold increase / rise / decrease / reduction 是原来的3倍 / 增加或减少了2倍

13、例: Between 1971 to 1975, the population was up eight-fold. 是原来的8倍,增加了7倍 2. 一半:half,50%adj. Half the apples are bad. n. Half of the apples are bad.adv. My work is not half done yet.3.大约,估计:about,around, roughly, in the rough, in the neighborhood of, approximately, or thereabout, just over, just under

14、, or so, 例:around / roughly / approximately 20 in the neighborhood of 20 20 or so, 20 in the rough 4.比例,百分比:percentage, proportion , ratio , share成比例 be in ratio 不成比例 be out of ratio , be ill-proportioned成正比 be in direct ratio 成反比 be in reverse ratio The ratio of A to B is X to Y.The ratio of pupils

15、 to teachers is 30 to 1.学生和老师的比率是30比1.6种比较类1.大,达到最大值,达到最高点:reach the maximum / the largest part ofpeak atreach the peak atreach the highest point at2. 小,跌到最小值,达到最低点:reach the minimum / the smallest part of bottom out at reach the bottom atreach the lowest point at3.多于more than , over, above, upwards

16、 ofupwards of 60 years oldexceed, surpass, overtake, -v.4.少于less than, fewer than under, below, within, 5. 相同和相似:相同be identical / the same with The same is true of . 也有同样情况, 也适用于In the same way, In like manner, be equal tobe a likeness, be a similarity, equally, 大体相同,相似:more or less alike, roughly t

17、he same, show great resemblance, be basically the same as6. 不同:be different = be of great difference be different from be distinguished frombe contrary to differ from , vary frombe a dissimilarity, be a variation A, unlike / as opposed to / as distinct from B, has其他10类常用表达: 达到多少数量: reach, hit, come

18、to, stand at, arrive at, amount to, 2. 占多少比例:occupy, represent, constitute,make up, take up, account for,3.由组成 ,包括几部分:be made up of, be composed of,consist of comprise= be comprised of 4. 分别:respectively, separately, : 常放在句尾 Female part-timers and housewives have 40 and 50 hours of leisure time, res

19、pectively. 5.比较:类比:similarly, likewise, 对比:unlike, conversely, in / by contrast , on the contrary, in comparison, A, while / whereas /whilst B6. 分类,分组:名词: classes, types, groups, divisions, sorts, aspects, parts, categories, classifications动词:be classified into four groups be divided into two catego

20、ries may be graded according to / on the basis of/ depending on be roughly classed under four heads. fall into two categories (用主动)7.时期表达法:over / during the period of two decades / 24 hours / seven days, during this 25-year period, during this seven-month stage, from tobetween and 8. 对方观点或对方数据:the d

21、ata of another group, The corresponding data, The statistics of its counterpart, 9. 剩余的The rest of + 名词 The remaining +名词The remainder (后不需要加名词)10.然后,以后,之后,在那以后,then, later, Next, and then, after that, thereafter, whereafter, afterwards, from this point onwards, Over the following three-year period,

22、在接下来的三年里 图表作文结尾段的写法1.总结图表中最主要的信息或者最 重要的趋势(同义替换,不要和前面太相似)2.写出来你经过比较所得出的结论3. 如果图表中提及总数,要在结尾段说明,不要在主体段中说明4.不要推测发展状况或者自己发挥来解释图表中的数据 结尾段常用表达总结 1.Overall, 2.Therefore, it can be clearly seen from the chart that 3.As shown in the chart, 4. As suggested above, 5. In summary, 6. To summarise, 7. In the final

23、 analysis, 8. From the chart, it is clear / apparent / obvious that 议论文 考试时间 建议40分钟 篇幅要求 250-280 words 评分权重 60% 评分标准 10大课题 学生生活:学费、课程设置(理论和技能)、考试、就业、 家庭生活:照顾老人、关注子女、成员关系、 现代科技:高新科技的利弊、互联网的利弊(教育、金融、购物、人际关系) 大众媒体:电视或互联网对人际关系的影响、广告的影响和限制 爱护动物:动物试验的合理性、动物园的圈养和放养 环保交通:城市交通、能源短缺、环保危机 传统与变化:保护传统的必要性(古建筑和传统

24、文化的保护) 政府职能:政府对教育、养老、环保(禁烟等)、照顾残疾人、推广高雅艺术、举办大型国际活动(体育和文化)等的责任 平等问题:妇女在参军、就业、提升和退休方面的机会平等 社会问题:青少年犯罪、量刑理由、城乡人口流动、就业理由、报酬分配 常见语法错误 Employee can benefit more from telecommuting than employer. 可数名词永远不能单独使用。 英语里面任何一个可数名词,必须在前面加上限定词,比如the/an/a/this/that/my/your这些词,否则后面就必须加复数。 Work at home using modern tec

25、hnology can greatly enhance our efficiency.动词不能做主语Work 改为动名词Working Children who are raise in impoverished families can generally deal with problems more effectively in their adult years.raise 应用被动式被动动词词尾加-ed或者draise 改为raised The problems that are created by environmental contamination is very hard

26、to resolve. 主谓不一致主语的主干problems而谓语 是 is当主语很长的时候,一定要检查谓语的单复数 Many students are like studying home economics. Like是动词, 前面没有必要再加动词are.只有情态动词可以加动词原形。 In present-day society,cultures were becoming very similar. 时态前后矛盾,议论文极少使用过去时。were改成areIntelligent students should not be treated different by their teache

27、rs. Different 修饰动词,应该用副词形式。修饰名词用形容词,修饰形容词或者动词用副词。 Countries should pay attention on the disadvantages globalization may create.Pay attention 搭配toReason forSolution to. The internet has instead of teachers in many classrooms. Instead of 可以是副词或连词,但不是动词。动词“替代”是replace或者supplant 用replaced 或者supplanted 代

28、替instead of Some parents do not obey traffic rules himself. 代词指代复数名词有误,应该是themselves.代词距离名词较远时看它的单复数。Himself改成themselves Some people think the Internet only has positive impact, other people think it also has negative influence on our lives. 既非简单句、并列句或者复杂句任何一种句子的意义。两套主谓宾之间没有连接词,肯定是病句。句中加上while 表示对比,

29、形成复杂句。 There are a great many children think the main purpose of education should be afford them pleasure and enjoyment.There be 句型后面的名词再加动词时不要用原形。think后面加上ing 区分三种句子:简单句、并列句、复杂句 简单句 只含主谓宾成分。 而当谓语是不及物动词(只能单独使用,不可以接宾语的动词)的时候,简单句就是 主语+谓语 People hold different views on this issue. The value of experime

30、nts is not limited to sciences. 简单句在雅思作文里,常常用于TOPIC SENTENCE ,和分论点,简单明了,突出主题。 并列句 主谓宾+主谓宾 and/or/but Poor students behaviour seems to be an increasingly widespread problem and I think that modern lifestyles are responsible for this. How these things interact is still unknown today and they remain largely unpredictable in a persons life. 复杂句 主谓宾+主谓宾 与并列句

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