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1、新标准英语一年级下册M6教案英语(新标准)(一起)第二册教学准备与分析课题 Module 6教学内容 Unit1 That snake is long. Unit2 The baby lions are cute教学目标语言知识目标1.单词:long ,short, fat, thin big, little, giraffe, elephant, snake, lion very, cute, scary, 2.句型:This _ is _. That_ is _.That snake is longshortThe giraffes are tallAnd Im shortAnd look

2、 at the elephant! Theyre very big.The are / is. The isnt 3.会说唱本单元的英语童谣zoo语言能力目标1.用形容词描述动物的特征。2.用所学句型和单词对动物或其他的物品进行描述。3.复习句型 _ is_和_are_以及他们的疑问句和否定句形式学习策略目标1.能正确使用所学句型和单词,正确对动物特征进行描述。2.增加已学知识的复现率,培养学生对重点词汇和句子的认读能力。3.通过以旧知识带动新知识的学习,培养学生运用所学语言的能力。情感态度目标1.通过多种形式的活动激发学生的学习兴趣2.教育学生要爱护小动物,保护大自然文化意识目标教育学生,人

3、类和动物是朋友,要爱护小动物,保护大自然。教学重点及难点形容词描述动物的特征2.掌握句型:That snake is longshortThe giraffes are tallAnd Im shortThe baby lions are cuteThe mother lion isnt cuteIts scary! 3 .Enable describes the things with the words of cute, scary, big, little, etc. 教学准备 单词卡片,录音机,磁带总课时 4节板书设计 课题英语(新标准)(一起)第二册Module6 (第一课时)一、教

4、学内容Unit1 That snake is long.二、教学目标语言知识目标单词:Long, short, fat, thin big, little, giraffe, elephant, snake, lion2.句型:This _ is _. That_ is _.That snake is longshortThe giraffes are tallAnd Im shortAnd look at the elephant! Theyre very big.语言能力目标 1.用形容词描述动物的特征。2.用所学句型和单词对动物或其他的物品进行描述。情感态度目标1.通过多种形式的活动激发

5、学生的学习兴趣2.教育学生要爱护小动物,保护大自然三、教学重点及难点形容词描述动物的特征2.掌握句型:That snake is longshortThe giraffes are tallAnd Im short3 .Enable describes the things with the words of cute, scary, big, little, etc. 四、教学准备 单词卡片,录音机,磁带五、教学过程Step热身复习1.教师与学生热情地打招呼问好,并一起演唱上个单元所学的英文歌Old MacDonald。 2.教师可以请一些学生到前面展示英语节目,比如演唱英文歌曲、讲英语故事

6、、表演课文对话,也可以和学生做英语游戏等其他和英语有关系的活动。表演完毕后,教师要和其他学生对这些同学的表演进行简单的评价。3. Chant: Fat, fat, I am fat.Thin, thin, I am thin.Little, little, I am little.Big, big,I am big.Step.任务呈现与课文导入1.利用课件,出示two dogs ,two cats, two birds , two snakesT: What are they?S: Theyre _.T: What color are they?S: Green and yellow.T: Y

7、es, you may answer in this way. This _ is _. This _ is _. 2. (最后出现snakes)T: What are they? T: What colour are the snakes? First please tell your friends. T: Good boy! Heres your sticker.(将学生揽入怀中)Look! This boy is short. I am tall. That boy, stand up please.Look! Now this boy is tall. That boy is sho

8、rt. (踮起脚来做tall状) Tall, tall, tall, Im tall.T: But children. Look! Im short!(用手当作锤子把自己打矮) 3. T: I have two friends. Look carefully. Who is tall and who is short? See? This is Sanmao. Is Sanmao tall or short? T: Yeah. Please follow me Short (or, sh, t做分解的发音讲解)4. T: Children. Ill tell you a secret. San

9、mao and Ermao like snakes very much.Look! (贴snakes) This is Sanmaos snake. That is Ermaos snakeThat snake is long long long(边贴边说)Sanmao is short. His snake is short. Sanmao likes short snake. So we can say; this snake is short.5. T: Look. My hair is short. Her hair is long. His hair is short. Your h

10、air is long. Can you make a sentence with the word “long” and “short”?6.教师问学生有没有去过动物园?如果去过,在动物园见过哪些动物?这些动物怎样用英语来描述呢?接下来对学生们说今天Lingling和Amy也来到了动物园,我们一起来看看她们在动物园都看到了哪些动物,她们是怎样描述这些动物的。Step.课文教学1.把本课的挂图贴在黑板上,呈现SBUnit 1活动1。教师请学生看挂图并简单介绍情景:Lingling和Amy来到了动物园。2.放录音,让学生认真听一听LinglingAmy在动物园都看到了什么动物,这些动物都有什么样

11、的特征。3.教师请全班学生一边听录音,一边模仿课文对话。在学生模仿“That snake is long.”这句话时,教师通过图片教授新单词:snake,long。在模仿The giraffe are tall.这句话时,教授新单词:giraffe,tall。模仿后四句时,通过图片教授新单词:elephant,lion。教师在教这些动物名称的单词时都可以加上动作,帮助学生记忆。4.在学生掌握和理解课文的基础上,让学生分角色、分男女生、分小组朗读课文和表演。教师提醒学生要主义模仿课文中的语音语调和人物的语气。然后请一两组学生学生到前面表演Step. 任务完成1.教师发给每位学生一张纸,纸上印着没

12、有耳朵的小猫和小兔,没有鼻子的大象,没有脖子的长颈鹿和没有尾巴的小猴子。让学生根据常识将动物所缺的部分画出来。之后,找学生拿着画到前面用实物投影打出来,并能用简单的英语表达出所画的部分。例如:“Two longshort earsA long nose”“脖子、尾巴”这样的单词学生可能不会说,不过也没关系,教师可以帮助说出来,目的主要是让学生了解这些动物的特征。2.Do and say要求学生熟练掌握形容词。教师说出一个形容词,学生要能做出相应的动作表示。可随着掌握程度的好坏,变换速度,使他更有趣味性。AB Unit 1练习1和2。请学生先找出图上有哪些动物,并将找出来的动物涂上相应的颜色,然

13、后两人一组,指着图模仿例句进行回答。Step.课后作业1听录音,复习本单元,预习下一单元。Step.板书设计Module 6 That snake is long.snake long/shortgiraffes tall/shortelephant big/smallThat snake is longshortThe giraffes are tallAnd Im short英语(新标准)(一起)第二册Module6 (第二课时)一、教学内容Unit1 That snake is long.二、教学目标语言知识目标单词:Long, short, fat, thin big, little,

14、 giraffe, elephant, snake, lion2.句型:This _ is _. That_ is _.That snake is longshortThe giraffes are tallAnd Im shortAnd look at the elephant! Theyre very big.语言能力目标 1.用形容词描述动物的特征。情感态度目标1.能正确使用所学句型和单词,正确对动物特征进行描述。2.增加已学知识的复现率,培养学生对重点词汇和句子的认读能力。3.通过以旧知识带动新知识的学习,培养学生运用所学语言的能力。三、教学重点及难点形容词描述动物的特征2.掌握句型:

15、That snake is longshortThe giraffes are tallAnd Im short3. Enable describes the things with the words of cute, scary, big, and little, etc.四、教学准备 单词卡片,录音机,磁带五、教学过程Step热身复习1.1. Greetings. T: Hello everyone, are you ready?T: Good. Lets chant. Look at the tree. Look at the tree .What can you see up in

16、the tree. Red kites ,orange kites, green kites blue ,so many kites for me and for you.T: I bring some animals for you . Today lets see which group can get more animals.(利用说说唱唱导入,调动学生学习积极性,分组,做好学习准备)2. Revise animal names“ snake lion panda elephant giraffe” Words: cute /scary /fat/ tall /long /short/

17、 thin3. Ask and answer A: What are they?B: They are.A: Are they ?B: Yes, they are. /No, they arent. (are not)Step.任务呈现与课文导入1. Draw a giraffe on the board to make a zooT: Look! So many animals on the board, Let me draw one .T: Look! Whats this?T&Ss: Its a giraffe. 2. Where can you see so many animals

18、? Help Ss answer “At the zoo”.3. Today Amy and Lingling go to the zoo. Lets see what do they see? (画一个长颈鹿给学生看,画一画,变换了一下形式,让学生的集中注意力)Step.课文教学1. Look at the text and listenT:What do they see? Ss: They see snakes, giraffes, elephants and lions.2. ( Show two snakes) Look! What are they? Snakes. (one sn

19、ake, two snakes)T: Good children. Follow me, snakes.S: Snakes.T: What colour are the snakes?Let Ss to describe the snakes , then lead Ss to say “This snake is long. And that snake is short”. While say with Ss , pay attention to use the gesture to say the sentence and the word“long”and “short”. 3.(用学

20、生常用的小尺让学生操练,引导学生说)My ruler is long. My ruler is short.4(show two giraffes)Look! What are they? Theyre giraffes. And “The giraffes are tall.”With hands up, say the sentences 5Say together with gesture and let students pause.Then say “And I am short.”6Compare tall and short. (让两名学生到前面,其他学生描述 * is tall

21、. And * is short. Hes tall. And shes short.)Then let Ss say in pairs. “I am tall. And I am short.”7. (Show the elephants, with the sounds) And look at the elephants. Theyre very big.8.(show the lions ,with the sounds)Whatre they? Lions.这一环节是本课的重点环节,教师要让每个学生了解,熟悉新授课文中的重点单词和句子,此时教师一定要灵活运用不同的操练形式,让学生爱说

22、,会说,敢说,并能向学生提供不同的语言情景让学生思考如何组织语言,去表达。9. Listen and repeat, read the text10. Choose some students to read the text(读课文是很枯燥,因此读时采取齐读,自读,领读,男生女生读等不同形式,最后安排了看课文图片说句子这一活动,激起学生的好胜心,然后回家好好练习,以促进对新授知识的掌握。)Step . 任务完成1.活动:我的宠物,运用形容词描述自己的宠物。教师发给每个学生一张纸,让他们把自己的宠物画下来,并用学过的形容词给大家描述自己家的宠物。SB Unit 1活动3。请学生认真观察海报,并

23、向同桌用所学的形容词描述海报里的动物AB Unit 1练习3和4。请学生观察图中的动物,然后听录音,每听到一种动物就让学生指出该动物并进行判断。然后请学生两人一组,结合图片和所给出的形容词进行问答,如:A:Point to the giraffe. Is it short?B:No, it isnt. Its tall.Step.课后作业1.听录音,复习本单元,预习下单元。2. Listen to the tape and repeat 4 times.Step.板书设计Module 6 That snake is long.Lets go to the zoo.That snake is l

24、ong. And that snake is short. The giraffes are tall. And I am short! The elephants are very big. What are they? Lions snake long/shortgiraffes tall/shortelephant big/small英语(新标准)(一起)第二册Module6 (第一课时)一、教学内容 Unit2 The baby lions are cute.二、教学目标语言知识目标1.复习单词:long ,short, fat, thin big, little, giraffe,

25、elephant, snake, lion very, cute, scary, 2.句型:The are / is. The isnt 语言能力目标1.用形容词描述动物的特征。2.用所学句型和单词对动物或其他的物品进行描述。3.复习句型 _ is_和_are_以及他们的疑问句和否定句形式情感态度目标1.通过多种形式的活动激发学生的学习兴趣2.教育学生要爱护小动物,保护大自然文化意识目标教育学生,人类和动物是朋友,要爱护小动物,保护大自然。三、教学重点及难点形容词描述动物的特征2.掌握句型:The baby lions are cuteThe mother lion isnt cuteIts

26、scary! 3 .Enable describes the things with the words of cute, scary, big, little, etc. 四、教学准备 单词卡片,录音机,磁带五、教学过程Step热身复习1. Greetings. Good morning! 2. Warm-up. T says the word: big, little, etc. Ask the S to do the action.3. Review the words: big and little, etc. And the sentence: The are / is.T show

27、s the pictures of faces organs, have the S says: The are / is.Then chant: Look at the nose, the nose is big.Look at the mouth, the mouth is little. (clap the hands and do.)At last, ask the S to make a chant. Use the eyes and ears, attention that here, we must use “are”, not “is”.Step.任务呈现与课文导入1. T u

28、ses the big eyes, little ears, etc, make a monster, and show it. (also the voice.) T: Whats this? Is it a dog? Is it a cat? Its a monster. Its fat, its big. I dont like the monster, its scary. Pick out- scary. (Act out the monster is scary, and Im scared.)2. Read after the T, and act out “scary”. So

29、me one or the whole group. And have the Ss act and say: Im a monster, Im very scary.3. Ask the S to say: The are / is (very) scary.4. T shows (little show and guess) Kitty, and ask the S: Look at Kitty, is it scary? S: No. T: It isnt scary, its cute. Pick out-cute. (Use the animal QQ to help the S t

30、o remember the pronunciation of cute.)5. Ask the S to say: Im a QQ, Im very cute. Talk about their classmates: are / is (very) cute.6. T shows a bag, with a scary spider in it, have the S touch the spider, but no see, ask the s to guess it is scary or cute.7. T shows the outline of a lion, ask the S to guess what it is. Pick out-lion.Step.课文教学1. Talk about if lion is scary or cute. Then T shows the baby lion and mother lion, discuss again. And say: The baby lion is cute, the mother lion isnt cute, and its scary. (Tell them that m

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