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1、新视野第三册第七单元新视野第三册第七单元Unit7 Section A A Rose Is a Rose 1. Pre-reading 1. 1 Background information St. Valentines Day( February 14th)圣瓦伦丁节, 情人节(2月14 日,情人多在此日互赠礼物)Valentine was a priest in Rome at the time Christianity was a new religion. The Emperor of Rome at that time, Claudius II, ordered the Roman

2、soldiers not to marry or become engaged. Claudius believed that as married men, his soldiers would want to stay home with their families rather than fight his wars. Valentine broke the law and secretly married the young couples. He was eventually arrested, imprisoned, and put to death.Valentine was

3、beheaded(斩首) on February 14th. After his death, Valentine was named a saint, and the day of his death was named Saint Valentines Day.1. 2 Topic-related video 1. 3 Topic-related discussion 2. While-reading 2. 1 Global reading 2. 1. 1 Understand the major details of the text 1) Why is selling rose no

4、longer a beautiful experience to the traditional flower shops in the U.S?Because of the appearance of discount rose shops.2) What problems are domestic rose growers facing?Severe competition from foreign countries.3) Why do some people in the rose business long for the good old days?Changing conditi

5、ons in the rose industry make them begin to lose their share in the marketplace.3. 1. 2 Understand organization of the text 1)Main idea of the text This passage is about how rose industry can adapt to the changing situation of the need for the roses in the market.2) Text structure analysis Part One

6、(Para. 1) The rose is always the most popular flowers as a symbol of love and any changing conditions in rose dealings mean much to the rose industry.Part Two (Para.2-6) Roses Only was transformed from a traditional shop and found some solutions to the rose selling problem.Solution 1: Well decorated

7、 shops attract customers and make them think they can buy roses cheap there.Solution 2: Encourage customers to buy in dozens instead of in ones, twos and threes by cutting down the price.Solution 3: To cut down the cost, the company grows its own roses to sell fresh roses via overnight delivery and

8、the company also sells other items such as balloons and stuffed animals. Part Three (Para.7-12) U.S. Rose Growers are going bankrupt because of severe foreign competition and Johnson Flowers have adopted measures to deal with the problem.Johnson Flowers Solutions: Working with foreign flower growers

9、, having a few distribution centers to sell imported roses, widening their business area and becoming a representative for overseas flower producers.Part four ( Para 13-14) Conclusion As a result of severe foreign competition, those in the rose business long for the good old days whereas ordinary pe

10、ople wonder about the rose price more than before.2. 2 Detail reading 2. 2. 1 Words and phrases 1)distribute (L.3)The company aims eventually to _.在整个欧盟发售它的产品。to distribute its products throughout the European Union. (v. supply (goods) in a particular area, esp. to shop) The groups raise money and d

11、istribute it to help those in need, mainly through social workers. 各小组筹集钱款, 然后把钱分发给那些贫困的人以帮助他们,这个工作主要通过社会工作者来做。( v. divide and give among several people, places)(英译汉)农民把肥料撒在田里。The farmer distributed manure over a fields.(v. spread out through an area) 2 ) go out of style(L.6)这种家具早过时了。Such kind of fu

12、rniture has long gone out of style.( be out of date)3)range from to在这家商店你可以看到种类繁多的电视,价格从100美元至1000美元不等。 In this store, you can find a wide variety of TV sets and their prices range from $100 to $1000.(vary or extend between certain limits)温故知新:Consciously or unconsciously, we show our true feelings

13、with our eyes, faces, bodies and attitudes, causing a chain of reactions, ranging from comfort to fear. (Unit 4 A, Book 1 )词语辨析The prices of beer _from 50 cents to $ 4 per liter during the summer season.A) altered B) ranged C) separated D) differed 4 ) circulate (L.20)首都被占领的谣言开始在当地人里流传开来。Rumors bega

14、n to circulate among the local people that the capital city had been conquered.( v. (cause to ) spread widely)在这儿, 你有机会四处走动,还可以随便聊天。Here, you have a chance to circulate and chat informally. .( v. (cause to) move round or through)词语搭配in circulation 流通的out of circulation 不在流通的5) soar (L.28) 近年来,新的公寓及房

15、子的价格一直在猛升。The prices of new apartments and houses have been soaring in recent years .(v. rise very quickly to a high level)老鹰在山巅翱翔。The eagle is soaring over the mountains. ( v. rise high in the air while flying without moving the wings or using power )6) bloom (L.38) 多亏了有效的管理方法,公司去年的生意兴隆。 Thanks to

16、the effective management method, the companys business bloomed last year. (v. develop very good, attractive, or successful qualities.)这些花在九月初仍然像七月时那样绽放。The flowers still bloomed as brightly in early September as they had in July. (v. produce flowers, or (of a flower ) open or be open.)所有的玫瑰都在每年的这个时候

17、开始绽放。All roses come into bloom at this time of the year.(n. a flower on a plant )He was only nineteen_但是青春年少的光彩已从他的脸上消失。 but the bloom of youth had already disappeared from his face.( n. the best or most favorable time of sb./ sth)7) bankrupt (L.39)这家公司因为产品销售不出去而破产了。The company went bankrupt because

18、 it couldnt sell its products. ( a. unable to pay what one owes )In this movie, you can see such a society 道德沦丧,政治不稳定。_ that is morally bankrupt and politically unstable. ( a. lacking in some good quality)词语搭配go bankrupt8) account for (L.43)电脑软件占我们产品种类的70%。Computers software accounted for 70% of our

19、 range of products.(supply the amount that is mentioned)你如何解释你不请假而长期缺课的行为。How do you account for your long absence from classes without asking for leave? (explain or give a reason for sth.)温故知新:These unconscious actions and reactions to them may in part account for our “feelings” and “snap judgments

20、”.(Unit 4-B, Book one)9) margin (L.47)去年这家电脑公司实现30% 的净利润率。The computer company had a net profit margin of 30% last year.(n. 利润)The school has made a schedule 给学生留有充裕的自学时间。_.that leaves a wide margin of time for students self-study. ( n. 差数,余地,余裕)学生们在书的页边空白处记笔记。The students wrote notes in the margin

21、of the book.( n. 页边,页边的空白)10) launch (L.48)The strike was launched with a press conference.( v. begin sth . or introduce sth new )Russias space industry has won a contract to 发射它的第一枚西方卫星_.launch its first western satellite.(v. send(a new ship, etc.) into the water or send ( a rocket, satellite, etc.

22、) into the space)由于天气不好,航天飞机的发射推迟了24 小时。The launch of a space shuttle was delayed for 24hours because of bad weather.(n. the act of launching )11) release (L.50)最新的发展情况刚刚公布于众。The latest developments have just been released to the public.(v. allow( news, film, etc.) to be made known or to be shown )他

23、从监狱里释放出来_.He was released from prison after serving two years of a five-year sentence.(v. give freedom or free movement to)死亡对他来说是一种仁慈的解脱_.Death was a merciful release for him as he had been through unbearable suffering all this time. (n. the act of setting free or being set free )她最近的一首新歌是关于无望的爱情。H

24、er latest release is a song about hopeless love.(n. a book, film ,record, piece of news, etc. that has been made available to the public )2. 2. 2 Sentence patterns Typical patterns for the exposition of sb.s way of doing sth.原句: The companys formula for success is to hold prices down by controlling

25、every link in the rose chain. (L. 32)该公司成功的秘诀是通过其销售链的每一个环节降低成本。提炼:Sb.s formula for (doing) sth. is to do sth. else. 某人(做某事)的诀窍 / 秘诀是应用:Toms formula for his success in passing the examination is to study on his own but ask the teacher for help whenever he has any question.汤姆成功通过考试的秘诀就是坚持自学,但如有疑问,就请教老

26、师。2.2. 3Devices for Developing Paragraphs(五号字,斜体)One dominant writing technique that runs throughout the essay is a problem-solution pattern. Now have a look at Para7-Para 12 to find out problem-solution pattern.Problem : Severe foreign competition puts U.S. rose growers on the edge of bankruptcy. J

27、ohnson Flowers, a domestic rose grower, however, finds a way out.Johnson Flowers solutions (Para. 11-12):1) Working with foreign flower growers.2) Having a few distribution centers to sell imported roses. 3 )Widening their business area and serving as a representative for overseas flower producers.4

28、) As a replacement for lost rose sales, the Johsons and other growers also are starting to sell other types of flowers.5 )U.S. growers took advantage of a recent frost which killed 25% of Colombias rose crop. But they cannot pin their hope on natural disasters.3. Post-reading 3. 1 Useful expressions

29、 1)破产 go bankrupt2)占据;解释 account for3)过时 go out of style 4)推出新产品 launch a new product5) 发行新唱片 release a new record6)流通的 in circulation7)渴望 long for8)压低;压制 hold down9)票价打折 discount fares10)消费价格指数 the consumer price index11)在一边 on ones side12)提供便利 offer convenience 3. 2 Summary writing U.S .rose selli

30、ng companies are (1)_with the danger of being virtually (2)_out of business with imported roses at (3)_prices flowing into the country. To (4)_to the changed conditions in the marketplace, the rose selling companies have moved (5)_ and have their own rose farms in some foreign countries to grow rose

31、s with low labor costs. They can also arrange(6)_via overnight mail to anywhere in the country to bring better,(7)_, and cheaper grown roses. In addition, as a (8)_for lost rose sales, the companies are starting to sell other(9)_of flowers. The company have managed to survive amid (10)_foreign competition.Key: 1 threatened 2 chased 3 lower 4 adapt 5 overseas 6 delivery 7 fresher 8 replacement 9 types 10 severe3. 3 Writing 问题解决型作文 这类作文是针对某些情况或现象进行分析,然后提出自己的看法和对策,基本的结构为:1 现象的描述2 分析原因或列举利弊3 个人看法或解决措施 Cheating on ExamsWith the more and more important ro

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