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NewHorizonVLS4Tapescripts of Unit7.docx

1、NewHorizonVLS4Tapescripts of Unit7Uint7II. Basic Listening Practice1. ScriptM: We offer all kinds of tours and excursions. Do you have anything particular in mind?W: Not really, wed just like to see the local sights and have an English speaking guide. It would be good if they were someone local too.

2、 My husband is interested in the local stories and folklore.Q: What does the woman mention as one of her preferences?2. ScriptM: Are you joining a tour group when you go to Indonesia?W: No, Im going to backpack my way round. I like being independent and seeing things at my own pace. Besides, theres

3、more chance of meeting local people that way. Ive just got to be careful.Q: what dose the woman want?3. ScriptW: Hey, could you bring your video camera to the kids concert tomorrow? Id love to capture it on film.M: No problem. Ill burn it to a DVD for you afterwards, then you can watch it at home.Q:

4、 How will the woman watch the concert later in the week?4. ScriptW: I cant find that track I really like anywhere. Its not on CDs in any of the shops, and I really want it on a CD.M: Well, lets look online. Maybe we can download it, then burn it to a CD.Q: What does the man suggest doing to get the

5、track?5. ScriptW: Heres a riddle: You love deep-sea finishing in Florida, and youre crazy about skiing in Canada, but you cant afford even one vacation home. What do you do?M: I buy a share in two holiday homes, so I own a week or more at each place. Timesharing is the way many people afford seeming

6、ly expensive holidays.Q: What advice does the man give for people unable to afford expensive holiday homes?Keys: 1.A 2.A 3. D 4.B 5.CIII. Listening InTask 1: Im doing a lot of things on the computer!ScriptBarbara: Jack, youre sitting in front of your computer again! The sea and the sand are only ste

7、ps away. Why are you wasting these beautiful holidays? The summer will be over before you know it.Jack: Im not wasting the holidays as you say. The computer is a good thing. On the Internet you can go to any part of the world; I can see everything in the world. Its more real than reality.Barbara: Bu

8、tbut you cant spend your entire summer watching that screen. Youll get a big bottom.Jack: Im not just watching the screen. Im doing a lot of thingsIm sending e-mails, Im learning things, Im chatting in chat roomsBarbara: Right! But Ill bet youre spending most of your time playing computer gamesa tim

9、e-wasting, mindless activity that Ill turn your brain into Chinese doufoo.Jack: No, it isnt a single mindless pastime. Its many activities: role-playing games, arcade games, adventure games, strategy gamesBarbara: I understand the computer is a wonderful thing, but you have to be careful not to get

10、too much of a good thing. Every life needs some variety in it. It would be a lot healthier if you played a chess game outdoors, in the park.Jack: It wouldnt be the same. In those games in the park I cant play against the grandmaster of Moscow, can I? And there are creative games in the computer, whe

11、re I can learn city planning and psychology.Barbara: Well, what about me? Dont you think Id like a little attention?Jack: Now, Baby, thats no way to talk. After all this time together, you know I love you.Barbara: Im not so sure any more. Its time you made a choice. Is it going to be more me or the

12、computer?Jack: Well1. Where does this dialog probably take place?2. What dose the man like to do according to the dialog?3. What does the woman mean when she says the mans brain will turn into Chinese doufoo?4. What does the man think about a chess game outdoors?5. What does the woman mean when she

13、says, “Dont you think Id like a little attention?”Keys: 1.A 2.B 3. C 4.D 5.CFor Reference1. He says that in those games in the park he cant play against the grandmaster of Moscow. And there are creative games in the computer, where he can learn city planning and psychology,2. She asks him to make a

14、choice between her and the computer. Task 2: A Magician and a ParrotScriptA magician was working on a deluxe cruise ship in the Caribbean. The (S1) audience was different each week, so the magician did the same (S2) tricks over and over again. He felt he could cast a spell over the audience (S3) whe

15、never he wanted to. There was only one problem: The captains (S4) parrot watched every show and began to understand what the (S5) magician did in each trick. Once he understood that, he started shouting in the middle of the show.“Look, its not the same (S6) hat!” “Look, hes hiding the flowers under

16、the table!” “Hey, why are all the (S7) cards the Ace of Spades?”(S8) The magician was furious. Each time the parrot revealed one of his secrets, the audience roared with laughter. The performance he intended to be dark and mysterious turned into a comedy. He was in a rage. (S9) He dreamed of various

17、 ways he could do away with the troublesome bird. But he didnt dare to touch it. It was the captains parrot after all.One foggy night the ship collided with an enormous iceberg and sank. The magician found himself on a piece of wood, in the middle of the ocean, and the parrot was by his side. (S10)

18、They stared at each other with hate, but did not utter a word. This went on for several days.After a week the parrot finally said, “Okay, I give up. But I hope youll tell me what trick you are going to do with the boat.”Task3: The Modern CircusScriptThe first modern circus was staged in London in 17

19、68 by Philip Astley, a former English cavalry officer, who performed as a trick ride. Beginning with a visit to Paris in 1772, Astley introduced the circus in cities throughout continental Europe and was responsible for establishing permanent circuses in a number of European countries as well as in

20、England. A circus was first presented in 1793 at the Winter Palace in Saint Petersburg.By the early 19th century, several permanently-based circuses were located in larger European cities. In addition, small traveling shows moved from town to town in covered wagons in which the performers lived. The

21、 traveling shows were usually simple affairs, featuring a fiddler or two, a juggler, a ropedancer, and a few acrobats. In the early circuses such performers gave their shows in open spaces and took up a collection for pay; later, the performers used elaborate shows. In the earlier part of the 19th c

22、entury a main feature of the permanent circus program was the presentation of grams that included displays of horsemanship. Throughout the 19th century the circus evolved in programming and management. Initially, trained horse and horsemanship performances dominated circuses, but ropedancing, juggli

23、ng, acrobatic acts, wild-animal acts, and clowning were all introduced within the first few decades. The flying trapeze, an important part of the modern circus, was not invented until 1858, and the street parade and sideshow did not become standard circus events until later in the 19th century. Tent

24、s are believed to have come into use in the 1820s, but it is uncertain whether they appeared first in Europe or in the United States.Nowadays, the entertainment activities offered at a circus are more elaborate, generally consisting of displays of horsemanship, exhibitions by gymnasts, aerialists, w

25、ild-animal trainer, performing animals, and comic performance by clowns.1. What was Phillip Astley especially good at?2. According to the passage, what was true of the early traveling shows?3. What acts were featured in permanent circus programs in the early 19th century?4. When were wild-animal act

26、s introduced?5. What is the main idea of the passage?Keys: 1C 2.A3. B 4.B 5.DFor ReferenceThey are more elaborate, generally consisting of displays of horsemanship, exhibitions by gymnasts, aerialists, wild-animal trainer, performing animals, and comic performance by clownsIV. Speaking OutMODEL 1 Wo

27、uld you like to do anything?Amy: Would you like to go to see a movie tonight, say, The Lord of the Rings?Bill: Thanks for asking, but theres too much violence in those blockbusters.Amy: Then, lets go roller-skating.Bill: I dont really like to now that Im not so young any more. You know, my knees ach

28、e terribly.Amy: I m sorry to hear that. Hey, lets go to see a country singer tonight?Bill: No. Im not really in the mood.Amy: Well, would you like to do anything?Bill: Sure, lets stay home and watch TV.Amy: Is there anything worth watching tonight?Bill: Let me look at the TV Guide first. Well, Survi

29、vors on Channel 3 at 7:30.Amy: If I remember correctly, theres a documentary about animals on another channel.Bill: Yes, on Channel 10. Do you want to watch it?Amy: Do you mind if we watch it?Bill: Well. I really wanted to watch the Rocket game tonight.MODEL2 I cant make up my mind!ScriptJohn: Hey!N

30、ora: Hey!John: I see youre reading travel brochures. Planning a holiday trip somewhere?Nora: Once the warms up. I get itchy feet. I think about going places.John: Will this be a trip abroad or some excursion close to home?Nora: Two tours are offered in May: one to big American cities; one to Europe.

31、John: Are these whirlwind tours that allow you a few hours in each place?Nora: Oh, no, no, theyre both three-week three-city tours, with a week in each city.John: Thats more like it. You can look around and not feel rushed. What cities?Nora: I cant make up my mind: London, Paris and Rome or New York

32、, San?John: Stop there. Europes more interesting. Americas OK, but its all the same.Nora: You didnt let me finish. San Francisco and Chicago, a modern metropolis.John: Big U.S. cities are so much alike. European cities differ from one anther.Nora: Yeah, like, theyre in different countries.John: There are other differences in languages, architecture, food, and customs.Nora: All right. You convinced me. They s

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