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1、安徽省七年级上册345单元知识点整理及练习无答案七年级上册Unit3 & Unit4 & Unit5知识点整理及习题教学重难点:(1)人称代词,物主代词的掌握运用;(2)方位介词的运用;(3)名词所有格的掌握运用;(4)A set of 等重点词组、单词的掌握运用;(5)掌握动词原形变单三。教 学 内 容【重点句子】1. Is this/that? 这/那是吗?Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. 是的,这/那(它)是。/ 不,这/那(它)不是。*回答时,要用it来代替this和that。不可回答Yes, this/that is. / No, this/that isnt.2

2、.Are these / those ? 这 / 那些是吗? Yes, they are. / No, they arent. 是的,这/那些(它们)是。/ 不,这/那些(它们)不是。*回答时,要用they来代替these和those。3. Wheres + 单数物品? Where are + 复数物品?Its + 介词短语. Theyre + 介词短语.4.Do you have? Yes, I do. No, I dont. 你有吗? 是的,我有。 不,我没有。【重点词组】1. play/do sports做运动 TV看电视3.on TV/on the radio/on th

3、e computer/on the phone 在电视上/在收音机上/在电脑上/在手机上 电子产品上用介词on。4.every day 每天 She plays sports every day. 她每天都做运动。 everyday日常的 everyday English 日常英语5.after class 下课后 after school 放学后6. excuse me 劳驾,请原谅7. thank you for- 为-而感谢你8. You re welcome. 别客气9. ID card 身份证10. ask for 请求,恳求11. come on 快点;进来,过来;加油12. ta

4、pe player 录音机13. model plane 飞机模型14. soccer ball (英式)足球15. a set of 一套,一双,一组【语法】1、What / how about ? “怎么样?” “又如何呢?”。1)向对方提出建议或请求。例如: What about another cake? 再吃块蛋糕好吗? 2)询问天气,例如: What about the weather in your home town? 你们家乡的气候如何? 3) 寒暄时用作承接上下文的转折语。例如: I am from Beijing. What about you? 我是北京人,你呢? 2、

5、人称代词和物主代词 人称代词 主格I 我you 你He他She她It它We我们You你们They他们宾格me 我you 你him他Her她It它Us我们You你们Them他们物主代词形容词性my 我的Your你的his他的Her她的It它的Our我们的Your你们的Their他们的名词性mine我的yours你的his他的hers她的its它的Ours我们的Yours你们的Theirs他们的 1) 人称代词作主语时用主格;作宾语时用宾格;作表语时用主格或宾格,但在口语中常用宾格。 I am hungry, please give me something to eat.我饿了,请给我一些吃的东

6、西。 (作主语) (作宾语) ( ) like ( ), and ( ) likes ( ) , too.我喜欢她,她也喜欢我。Who told him that news? 谁告诉他那个消息的? Its me/I. 是我。2) 并列人称代词的排列顺序:人称代词在并列使用时,单数的顺序是第二人称第三人称第一人称;复数的顺序是第一人称第二人称第三人称。you, he, and I你,我,他 you and I我和你 he and I 我和他 you and he 你和他we and you 我们和你们 you and they 你们和他们 we, you and they我们,你们和他们3) 形

7、容词性物主代词修饰名词,必须放在名词前面,相当于形容词。名词性物主代词相当于名词(即指代名词,后面不能再加名词)。 This is your ruler, it is not mine.这是你的尺子,不是我的。 _. 这是他的书,你的在桌子上。_ (他) doesnt have an eraser. (我的)is in the bag. Give (他)(你的). 他没有橡皮擦。我的在包里。把你的给他吧。Task: This is my pen. The pen is mine.(将其中的人称代词或物主代词转化为第二人称,第三人称单数及复数)3、thanks / thank you for因而

8、感谢 thank sb for sth/dong sth*for是介词,后接名词/代词、动名词 回答:You are welcome./Thats OK./Not at all./ Its my pleasure. Eg :Thanks for the photo of your family. 谢谢你的全家福照片。 Thanks for helping me. 谢谢你帮助我。 Thank you for your help. 谢谢你的帮助。4、spell 拼写How do you spell? 你怎么拼写/读?Eg:A: How do you spell “red”? B: R-E-D.用于

9、询问或要求对方拼写单词的表达方式还有:Spell it, please.请把它拼写出来。Can you spell it, please? 请把它拼写出来好吗?Do you know how to spell it? 你知道它如何拼写吗?5、ask for. 请求/要 如:Ill ask for two pencils. 我将要两支铅笔。 ask sb for sth 向某人请求/要某物 ask the teacher for help 向老师求助Ask-for help 向-寻求帮6、call sb at + 电话号码:“拨打号码找某人” Eg:Call Alan at 495-3539.拨

10、打495-3539找艾伦E-mail me at maryg2.(请)给我maryg2这个邮箱发邮件。 1)at放在电子邮箱的地址或电话号码等前面,表示“根据;按照” 2)是at的缩写,读作at,com前的实心点读作dot。7. a set of一套副串a set of keys 一串钥匙 a set of作句子的主语时,应看作一个整体,谓语动词用单数,类似的还有a pair ofEg: A set of keys is on the desk. 有串钥匙在桌子上。Task: 这双红色的鞋是我的。(翻译)8. take sb/sth to + 地点:把某人/某物带到某地。1) 把书带到学校 t

11、ake sth to sb 把某物带给某人 2) 把书带给他*注意 bring 和take 的区别9. 表位置的介词on 在上(两者相接触) on the wall与in the wall(在墙上)in 在里 under在下面(正下方)Task:(1) 我将笔放进我的书包,将我的书包放在桌子上。翻译 (2)我从桌子下面拿出了我的英式足球。翻译10. some和any(一些) 1) some一般用于肯定句,any用于否定句和疑问句 2) 在表示请求、建议、征求意见等委婉语气的疑问句中,用some而不用any。Eg:我需要一些笔记本。我没有书。I dont have ( )books.Do you

12、 have ( )books? 你有一些书吗?Can you bring some things to school? 你能带些东西到学校吗?Would you like ( ) apples? 你想要一些苹果吗?11. 名词所有格: 在英语中,当我们表达“我的”“你的”“他的”时,用代词my, your, his等。如果要表示“某个(些)人的”时,可以在某个(些)人后加s来表示所有关系,这种形式我们称为所有格。如Mike的父亲:Mikes father, 我妈妈的名字:my mothers name构成:1)单数名词加s. 2)以s结尾的复数名词加读音不变。如the teachers roo

13、m(老师们的房间)表共同所有,在最后一个名词后加“s”。 Jim and Toms mother 吉姆和汤姆的母亲(共同所有)表各自所有,在每个名词后加“s”Jims room and Toms room are both big. 吉姆的房间和汤姆的房间都很大。(各自所有) 的用法:1)作助动词,帮助构成一般现在时的否定句或疑问句,无意义。 Do you have a soccer ball? 你有足球吗? I dont know. 我不知道。 2) 作实义动词,“做,干”。 I do my homework every day.3)在一般现在时中,do/does 可用来

14、替代上文出现过的动词,以避免重复。Do you have a soccer ball? 你有足球吗?Yes, I do. 是的,我有。13. Lets do sth. “(让)我们做某事吧。”表示建议。(lets = let us) 肯定回答一般用That sounds good.(那听起来很好)/OK.好的 / All right.好的 / Great.好极了/ Good idea. 好主意 否定回答一般用sorry, Ilet sb. do sth. 让某人作某事Eg: 1)让他踢足球。 2)让海伦回家吧14.Were late! 我们迟到了!be late for. 迟到 Dont be

15、 late for school.不要上学迟到。常用短语:Dont be late. 别迟到了! + 球类名词:打/踢球(球类运动不用冠词) play ping-pong/basketball/volleyball/tennis/soccerPlay+ 乐器 表示“演奏”乐器(要加定冠词the)Play the piano 弹钢琴16.Sound v. 听起来好像 1)连系动词,“听起来”,后接形容词作表语。 That story sounds very interesting.那故事听起来很有趣。 * 2)名词“声音”(泛指自然界中的各种声音)。 The sound is to

16、o loud.声音太大了。17.We play it at school with our friends.我们和我们的朋友在学校踢。 1)at school 在学校 2)with “和;与;跟在一起”play sth with sb 和某人一起玩某物18. Its easy for me.这对我来说挺容易的。 For为了,因为,对于-来说 Eg:Thanks for your help.She came back to the classroom for she had left her books in the classroom.For lunch, I like hamburgers

17、and salad. 午饭我喜欢汉堡和沙拉。19.辨析interesting与interested 1) interesting可作表语,指某人/事/物本身有趣;也可作定语修饰人或物 The book is interesting. 这书很有趣。 (作表语) I have an interesting book.我有本有趣的书。(作定语) 2) interested用于be/get/become interested in(对感兴趣)这一结构中。 He is interested in playing football.他对踢足球感兴趣。20.一般现在时:表示经常性的事情,经常性的动作或一般性

18、事实。时间状语:often 经常,usually通常,always 总是,every每个,sometimes 有时,at 在几点钟*只有在第三人称单数用动词的“三单变化”,其他用动词的原形。动词原形变单三:规则动词原形第三人称单数形式一般动词在词尾加-shelplikeswimlistenknowplaygetfindhelps /helps/likes /laiks/swims /wimz/listens /lisnz/knows /nz/plays /pleiz/gets /gets/finds /faindz/以字母s, x, sh, ch结尾的动词加-es, 读/iz/。如果动词原形词

19、尾已有e,则加s。以o结尾的动词也加-es,读/z/。teachgoteachesgoes以辅音字母加y结尾的动词,先变y为i,再加-es,读/z/。studystudies不规则变化:be- is are have-hasEg: watch wish fix do go pass【随堂练习】1. _is my computer game?Its in the drawer.( )A. What B.Where C.How D.How much 2. _, children, or well be late.( )A. Go on B.Have fun C.Youre welcome e on

20、3. Whose cap is that?Its_.( )A.Daniels B.Daniels C.Daniels D.Daniel4. On Saturday, I will go to the park_ fly a kite.( )A.with B.on C.and D.of5. The boat is passing_the bridge.( )A. under C.over D.on6. Thank you for your help._.( )A. OK B.You are welcome C.No D.All right 7. I found a schoolbag

21、in the library. Please e-mail me_marry.( )A. for B.of D.in8. Is this_dictionary?No, it isnt mine. Mary, is it_?( )A. your;yours B.your;your C.yours;yours D.yours;your9. _, Tom. Is this your ring?Yes, thanks.( )A. Good morning B.Excuse me C.Sorry D.Hello10. _Jim have an egg?Yes, he_.A.Do;do B.Do

22、es;do C.Do;does D.Does;does一将下列中文改为一般疑问句。我能拼写“女儿”这个单词。我想去旅游。我最喜欢的水果是草莓。I like TFBOYS. How about you?(改为同义句)I like TFBOYS. _ _you?(What about)【Homework】一、 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成句子1. We play basketball at school w _ our friends.2. I love sports, but I dont play them I only w _them on TV!3. Lets play computer

23、 games. That sounds i _.4. That s boring.5. My brother _(有)a soccer ball but I dont.二、单选( )1.I like ping-pong. Its for me.A.difficult B.same C.boring D. easyD.easy( )2.Do you like baseball? Yes, I . But my father;dont B.does;doesnt;doesntD.does;dont( )3.Let us and play ping-pong.A.go

24、 go C.goingD.goes( )4.Mary likes ice-cream, I dont like it.A.and B.or C.butD.too( )5.I often play soccer with my friends.A. an B. / C. the D. a三、完成句子1. Kate has a baseball.(改为一般疑问句) Kate a baseball?2. 他只在电视上观看它们。 He_watches them_ TV.3. Do your father and mother like sports?(作肯定回答)4. 咱们去购物吧。 go shopp

25、ing.5.这曲音乐听起来很好。The music _very nice.四、完形填空Bill is a lazy(懒惰) boy. He likes (1)very much, but he does not like study(学习). After school, he (2) plays football with his friends. He doesnt touch(摸) his books. His mother is very angry. (3)says, “Bill, dont just (4) after school. You should do your homew

26、ork.” Bill (5), “Mom, I (6) like study. It is so (7). And the homework is so (8 ) for me, too.(9)playing football is different(不同的). It is so (10). His mother is very worried but she doesnt know what to do.( )1. A. English B. math C. sports D. Chinese( )2. A. only C. does D. not( )3. A. He B. His C. She D. Her( )4. A. play B. study C. watch D. cry( )5. A. answers B. has C. needs D. speak( )6. A. doesnt B. dont C. / D. cant( )7. A. interesting B. good C. boring D. easy( )9. A. AndB. ButC. ForD. So( )10. A. wellB. boringC. interestingD. hard

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