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1、课文翻译与重点解析Words for Production1. commercial They looked like a real family from the breakfast cereal commercial.詞類變化(1) commercialize vt. 商業化 The festival has become very commercialized; many young people dont even know why they celebrate it.(2) commercial adj. 商業的 That film was a huge commercial suc

2、cess.2. product / produce The factories here produce 3C products and export them to the world. This factory may be small; the product it producues is of the best quality.詞類變化produce, product, production的比較:(1) produce n. U 為不可數名詞,通常指天然製品,如農產品或乳製品等。 fresh produce, dairy produce(2) product n. C 是可數名詞,

3、通常加字尾-s指製造業生產的產品。 electronic products, plastic products(3) production n. U 是抽象名詞,常指生產的過程或總產量。也可當普通名詞(n. C),指戲劇、電影、廣播等的製作或節目。 the production of art and music3. familiar The voice on the phone sounded familiar.字詞搭配(1) sth./sb. be familiar to sb. 某物人對某人是熟悉的 I used to live here, so the place is familiar

4、 to me.(2) sb. be familiar with sth. 某人熟知某物 I am not familiar with the writers novels.詞類變化familiarize vt. 使熟悉 The freshmen must familiarize themselves with the campus of the university as soon as they can.4. beginning This is just the beginning of a new life for you.字詞搭配(1) in the beginning 剛開始時 In

5、the beginning, Mary was just a waitress. Now she is a CEO of a big company.(2) at the beginning of sth. 在某事物剛開始時 There is a short introduction at the beginning of each lesson.詞類變化begin vt., vi. 開始(beginbeganbegun) Susan began to feel a sense of achievement after years of hard work.5. catchy The catc

6、hy tunes of the Beatles are often used in TV commercials.詞類變化(1) catch vt. 抓住;感染(catchcaughtcaught) The police caught the robber after three days of the robbery.(2) catching adj. 傳染力強的;容易感染的 Julias enthusiasm is catching among people in her office.6. tune Sam likes to hum a little tune while he is w

7、orking. 字詞搭配in tune (唱歌)音很準ANT out of tune Angela sang the song in tune and won first prize in the singing contest.詞類變化tune vt. 調音 The man tuned up his violin and started to play.7. create / creative / creativity The new factory will create about 3000 jobs. The lantern made by our school was creativ

8、e enough to win first prize. The boss complained about the lack of creativity in the new project.詞類變化creation n. U 創造 The whole universe, including all living things, is Gods creation.8. mood Father has been in a good mood all day after he learned the good news. I am in no mood for a joke now!字詞搭配(1

9、) in a good mood 心情好ANT in a bad/foul mood The manager was in a good mood and bought everyone afternoon tea.(2) get into the. mood 進入情況 It usually took me a few days to get into the holiday mood.(3) lighten ones mood 放鬆某人的心情 The sunshine and warmth lightened our moods.(4) capture ones mood 抓住某人心情 Th

10、e song captured her mood, and tears ran down her cheeks.9. suddenly / sudden Suddenly, the lion opened its mouth and swallowed the little mouse. Jennys sudden death is a huge shock to us all.字詞搭配(1) sudden change 突然改變 Lindas death brought a sudden change to Tom.(2) all of a sudden 突然間 It was fine, b

11、ut all of a sudden, it started to rain.(3) sudden rush of anger 勃然大怒 The students disrespectful (不禮貌的) words caused Mr. Lins sudden rush of anger.(4) sudden movement 唐突的動作 The cat drew back because of the boys sudden movement.10. appear / appearance A man suddenly appeared from behind a tree. Most p

12、eople care much about their physical appearance.字詞搭配(1) judge by appearance 以貌取人 Dont judge a person by his or her appearance. Susan Boyle, an ordinary-looking woman, has an angel-like voice.(2) appearances can be deceptive 外表會騙人 You shouldnt trust a person simply from his or her photo on the Intern

13、et. Appearances can be deceptive.(3) public appearance 公開露臉 Princess Kate made her first public appearance in a local shopping center after the wedding.(4) keep up appearances 維持表象 Though the couple were divorced, they tried to keep up appearances for the childrens sake.11. long Daisy longs to see T

14、om again. She misses him very much.詞類變化longing n. U 渴望 Romeos heart was filled with longing for Juliet.字詞辨異有關希望;想要;缺乏的字詞:(1) desire n. C 慾望 The baseball players have a strong desire to win the game. I have no desire to cause any trouble.(2) wish n. C 願望 Jane expressed a wish to see the children. The

15、 old mans last wish was to be sent back home to China.(3) hope n. C,U 希望 They dont have much money, but they live a life filled with hope. We can ask him, but I dont hold out much hope.(4) want n. U 缺乏SYN lack The museum closed down for want of funding. That house is sadly in want of repair.12. audi

16、ence The football game drew an audience of about 20 million. The audience was deeply moved. It clapped and cheered for more than three minutes. 補充資料audience指一群觀眾時為集合名詞以單數型表示;指多群觀眾時則以複數型表示。13. gentle The mother is very gentle when she changes her babys diaper.詞類變化gentleman n. C 紳士 Mr. Wang is a real

17、gentleman. He always speaks softly and is polite to everyone.14. involved / involve This crime is committed by a group of people. There are many more involved. Running your own business usually involves working long hours.字詞搭配(1) get involved in + sth. 參與某事 I dont want to get involved in such a mean

18、ingless argument.(2) be/get deeply/actively involved 積極投入 Mrs. Anderson has been actively involved in the church affairs for many years.(3) sb. + be involved with. 某人被牽扯入 The man denied that he was romantically involved with a member of his staff.(4) involve sb. in V-ing 使某人參與某事 This program means t

19、o involve everyone in discussing the details.(5) involve oneself 某人積極投入 Peter involves himself in every part of the project.Words for Recognition1. sunshine We just had three days of spring sunshine.字詞搭配(1) morning/bright/beautiful/pleasant/hot/warm/July sunshine 早晨閃耀的美麗的令人愉快的炙熱的溫暖的七月的陽光(2) ray of s

20、unshine 快樂的來源SYN source of happiness Joy was the ray of sunshine in her fathers life.(3) be bathed in. sunshine 浸沐在陽光裡 The town was bathed in spring sunshine.(4) sunshine + flood/stream 陽光如洪水般小溪般地照射 The sunshine streamed in at the window.2. Uni-President補充資料統一企業於1967年8月25日創立於臺南永康,創辦人吳修齊先生秉持三好一公道的經營理

21、念(即品質好、信用好、服務好、價錢公道),以多角經營、宏觀眼光、重視人才等方針,兢兢業業地塑造出誠實苦幹、創新求進的立業精神。現任董事長高清愿先生在多變的環境中孜孜不倦地追求創新與進步,並掌握時代潮流,以多角化思維滿足消費者多元化需求,打造出如今橫跨食品、飲料、食糧、零售、貿易、物流、生物科技、營建開發、休閒旅遊、投資等民生相關產業的企業集團,為泛亞洲地區的消費者提供全方位的生活服務。資料來源:統一企業網站經營理念3. soy milk補充資料(1) dried bean curd 豆干 (3) soy custard 豆花(2) tofu 豆腐(= bean curd)4. rhythm字詞

22、搭配Rhythm and Blues (= R&B) n. (音樂類型)節奏藍調詞類變化rhyme vi. 押韻 “Buck” rhymes with “duck.”5. The Cascades補充資料The Cascades(瀑布合唱團)來自加州聖地牙哥。由擅長作曲以及吉他的主唱John Gummoe領軍。他在1950年代末期結識了另外四位樂手,由於彼此十分投緣,決定共同組團。他們在許多私人的宴會上演出,逐漸打響名聲。有一天晚上,他們正在某家俱樂部表演的時候,有一家唱片公司的星探正好在場,立刻決定跟他們簽約。1962年底,唱片公司把他們帶到好萊塢的錄音室,幫他們錄製第一張單曲“Second

23、 Chance”,雖然並不成功,但是1963年他們的第二張單曲,也就是有名的“Rhythm of the Rain”雨中旋律,卻成功地造成轟動,在流行榜上獲得了第三名,同時更勇奪抒情歌曲排行榜的冠軍。6. Doublemint gum補充資料美國箭牌糖類有限公司(Wm. Wrigley Jr. Company)由小威廉瑞格理(William Wrigley Jr.)創立於1891年。箭牌公司是全球糖果業界的領導者之一和世界上首屈一指的口香糖生產商及銷售商,全球銷售額超過40億美元。箭牌公司在全世界擁有19家工廠,聞名於世的箭牌產品行銷180多個國家。其中青箭(Doublemint)、白箭(Wr

24、igleys Spearmint)、和黃箭(Juicy Fruit)的歷史可以回溯到一個多世紀以前。其他臺灣常見的口香糖品牌包括Extra、Eclipse、Airwaves等也是出自該公司的產品。7. mint補充資料常見的香草植物還有很多,列舉其中二項如下:(1) basil 蘿勒;九層塔 (2) rosemary 迷迭香8. Volkswagen補充資料福斯汽車(德語:Volkswagen,英語:Folks Wagon),是一家總部位於德國沃爾夫斯堡的汽車製造公司,也是世界四大汽車生產商之一福斯集團的核心企業。Volks在德語中意思為國民,全名的意思即國民的汽車,故簡稱為VW。雖然福斯公司

25、起源於1930年代,但由汽車設計師費迪南保時捷(Ferdinand Porsche,1875-1951)設計的金龜車(Beetle)可追溯至更早。福斯第一代金龜車Hans Led在2003年停產前共生產約兩千一百五十三萬輛,可說是世界紀錄上最暢銷的汽車。9. The Carpenters木匠兄妹補充資料請見補充頁P.L3-2。10. lyrics詞類變化lyrical adj. (詩詞)文字優美的 lyrical poetry 文字優美的詩11. brand image補充資料品牌形象是指在消費者心目中關於品牌各種要素之圖像及概念的總集合體,尤其是品牌知識及人們對品牌的主要態度。品牌形象的有形

26、要素包括產品形象、環境形象、業績形象、社會形象以及員工形象等。12. classic詞類變化(1) classic adj. 傳統經典的 The bottle of the drink is a classic design.(2) classical n. adj. 古典音樂;古典的 Listening to classical music is relaxing to me.13. oldie字詞搭配golden oldie n. 歷久不衰的經典老歌或電影補充資料以下列舉一些其他常見的音樂類型:(1) Hip-Hop 嘻哈 (2) Rock & Roll 搖滾(3) Heavy Metal

27、 重金屬 (4) Country 鄉村片語1. take away This poor little puppy was taken away from its mother since it was born.字詞搭配take off 脫掉(衣、帽、鞋);飛機起飛 Take off your shoes before entering the house.片語辨異get rid of something 擺脫某物;丟棄某物 Bruce decided to get rid of all the love letters from his ex-girlfriend.2. play a(n).

28、 role Toms childhood plays an important role during the process of socialization.字詞搭配(1) role model 榜樣 Jeremy Lin has become a role model for many young basketball players.(2) role-play 角色扮演 The teacher asked the students to do role-play activities in the conversation class.(3) switch roles 角色互換 The

29、 husband became more considerate after he and his wife switched roles for a week.3. get stuck Lindas study plan got stuck because of the noise from the construction site.詞類變化(1) stick vt. 受困;卡住(stickstuckstuck) Sara tried to open the window, but it was stuck.(2) stuck in ones throat 某人有話說不出口 Ive got

30、 something stuck in my throat.字詞搭配be stuck on sb. 愛上某人 My brother told me he was stuck on Fiona.4. associate. with. Its difficult to associate Tony with the crime. He used to be a very kind man.詞類變化(1) association n. C 協會 NBA stands for National Basketball Association.(2) associate n. C 同事SYN colleague, co-worker Olivia was one of my associates when I worked in the company. We are still friends now.5. walk by When Jessica walked by the jewelry shop, a beautifully-designed necklace caught her eye.片語辨異pass by 經過 Will you pass by the market on your way home?字詞搭配(1) walk the dog 遛狗

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