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1、高三英语易错比较记单词S易错比较记单词类型一词义易错位,别张冠李戴1forgettable forgetful2considerate considerable 3economic economical4creation creativity5physician physicist6comparable comparative7ashamed shameful8confident confidential9disability inability10objection objectivity11worthless priceless12valueless invaluable13respect

2、ful respectable 类型二虽是前后缀,意思却迥然,切勿望文生义1impress impressive2response responsible3faith faithful4respect respective5occasion occasional6title entitle7reward rewarding8found foundation9drama dramatic10trick tricky11promise promising12invite inviting类型三貌似前后缀,但并无“血缘关系”1miss missing2mean means3work works4cu

3、stom customs5term terms6definite definition7affect(v.) affection8serve reserve 9create creature10creation recreation11promise compromise12temporary contemporary13present represent14strict restrict15science conscience16knowledge acknowledge17allow allowance18bowl bowling19instant instance20search res

4、earch21sweat sweater22appointment disappointment23stock stocking24short shortly25inform informal26easy uneasy27good goods28leave leaves (复数)类型四形近易混淆,比较记清楚1ensure insureassure 2submit summit3initial essential4contest context5pray spray6construct (v.) instruct (v.)7watch match8succeed (v.) success (n.

5、)9image imagine10royal loyal11steal steel12access assess evaluate13pocket packet14relieve believe15relief belief16bridge fridge17award reward18previous precious19incident accident20population pollution21invent (v.) invest (v.)22respond to correspond to 23statuefigure status24source resource25surroun

6、ding surroundings26cure curse27sympathy(n.) symphony28floor flour29college colleague30design resign31medal model32elect select33patent patient34metal mental35attitude altitude36desert(v.) dessert37director directory38composition competition39together altogether40consumption assumption41apartment dep

7、artment42institution constitution43wonder wander44explain complain45critic critical46lesson lessen(lessenv.)47band brand48addition addiction49import export50adapt adopt51tune tone52section session53distribute contribute54soup soap55region religion56mount(v.) amount57personnel personal58nature mature

8、59headline deadline60leather feather61describe subscribe62cease tease ease 63eagle angle angel64story storey store65contact contract contrast66evaluation evolution revolution67Tension extension intention68distance instance69point appoint disappoint70construction destruction instruction 71institute c

9、onstitute (vt.) substitute (v.)72tough cough rough 73scare scarce scarcely74message passage passenger75include (vt.) exclude(vt.) conclude 76require inquireenquire acquire77cover uncoverrecover discover78though thoughtthrough thorough79late latelylater latterlatest 80serve deservepreserve conservere

10、serve 81broad abroadboard aboard82except expectrespect aspectinspect suspect (v.); (n.)针对完形填空,区分4类易错词汇一、形近词与义近词辨清记牢形近词或义近词常常出现在高考完形填空题的选项中,因此考生需要特别注意区分,应将其熟记于心。live adj. living adj. alive adj. lively adj. sensible adj. sensitive adj. special adj. particular adj. specific adj. effective adj. efficien

11、t adj. rough adj. tough adj. continual adj. continuous adj. repeated adj. considerable adj. considerate adj. respectable adj. respectful adj. respected adj. respective adj. expected adj. likely adj. likable adj.dislike v alike adj.unlike adj. quantity n quality ncamp n champion ncampaign n campus nb

12、ank n band nbond n brand nash n cash n crash vsigh signal sign nflight n fright nfrighten v fight v&n.advance v& n. adventure nadvertise v advantage n. biology n biography nlielaylainlying lieliedliedlying laylaidlaidlaying delaydelayeddelayeddelayingstar n stare v starve vexplain v complain vplain

13、nadj.offend v defend vrise v raise varise v praise varouse v. amaze v amuse vattract v attack vaffect v effect n. influence v& n二、常考易混短语对比识记以下是需要考生认真记忆的几组完形填空高频易混短语:above all in alladjust (oneself) to adapt . for . apply for apply toin addition in addition toat the cost of at all costs carry out car

14、ry oncheck in check outcome across come tocome out come truecome round/around come to life in vain in returnin turn in detailin common in demandrather thaninstead of other thanexcept show off show upturn down turn tobreak down break in break throughmake sense make a difference make a (.) living put

15、aside put awayput forward put offput up with in contrast on the contrarydraw in draw near draw on draw up 三、一词多义或熟词生义强记生僻义以下是完形填空题中常考的多义词(生僻义项加黑标示):fix v安装,使固定;修理;_ add v加;_apply v申请;应用;_ reach v到达;实现;_save v拯救;储蓄;节约;_ stand v站立;忍受n_work v工作;_ agree with同意;_arm n手臂v-_ attend vt.&vi.出席;_dear adj.亲爱的;

16、_ help v帮助;_matter n事情,问题,麻烦事;物质v_trick v欺骗n诡计;恶作剧;_pick up捡起;(车船)中途搭人;(不经意间)学会;_make up构成,组成;化妆;编造;_四、常见障碍词汇多查多记以下是篇章类材料中常常被考生忽视的词汇,需要特别关注。acknowledge v _refresh v. _preserve v. _advocate v. _urge v. _distribute v. _withdraw v. _distinguish v. _promote v. _alternative adj. _artificial adj. _ambiguo

17、us adj. _adequate adj. _awkward adj. _aggressive adj. _accurate adj. _concrete adj. _contradictory adj. _conventional adj. _complex adj. _essential adj. _delicate adj. _fierce adj. _flexible adj. _portable adj. _ridiculous adj. _skeptical adj. _unique adj. _valid adj. _vacant adj. _temporary adj. _e

18、xactly adv. _accidentally adv. _nevertheless adv. _increasingly adv. _absolutely adv. _scarcely adv. _punctually adv. _initially adv. _emergency n. _appreciation n. _drawback n. _privilege n. _equality n. _motivation n. _occupation n. _preference n. _recreation n. _regulation n. _bargain n. _appetite n. _ceremony n. _affection n. _

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