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1、标点PunctuationI End MarksUse periods, question marks, or exclamation marks to end sentences.Pl. Use a period after a sentence which makes a statement or expresses a command. It is too noisy here. Please stop whispering.P2. Use a period after most abbreviations.Periods follow such abbreviations as Dr.

2、, A.D., Inc., Ph. D., e.g., and many others. A comma or another punctuation mark may follow the period after an abbreviation, but at the end of a sentence only one period is used. After he earned his M. A., he began studying for his Ph. D.If the sentence is a question or an exclamation, the end punc

3、tuation mark follows the period after the abbreviation. When did she get her Ph. D.?Abbreviations of governmental and international agencies are often written without periods, such as NATO, WHO, FBI, CIA.P3. Use a question mark after a direct question. But use a period, not a question mark, after an

4、 indirect question. What is the matter with you? she asked. She asked me if I had ever met him.P4. Use an exclamation mark after a statement of strong feelings. Help! the boy yelled. Be Quiet! Oh, what a mess!After mild exclamations, use commas or periods. Well, I am discouraged.II CommasThe comma i

5、s chiefly used (1) to separate equal elements, such as independent clauses and items in a series, and (2) to set off modifiers or added words, phrases, and clauses.P5. Use a comma before the coordinating conjunctions and, but, for, or, nor, yet when they join the independent clauses of a compound se

6、ntence. I placed the file on his desk, and he picked it up and read it roughly. His face tamed red, but he did not say a word. I knew he was angry, for he rose and stamped out of the room.P6. Use commas to separate the items in a series composed of three or more words, phrases, or clauses of equal g

7、rammatical rank. Churchill promised the English only blood, sweat, toil, and tears. We hunted for the photo in the album, in the old trunks, and even under the rug. I told him which way to go, what to carry, and how to dress. We left the cottage, Father locked the door, and Mother suggested that we

8、never unlock it again.P7. Use commas to separate independent adjectives preceding a noun.A comma separating two adjectives signifies that the two adjectives have the same relationship with the modified.No comma is used when the modifier closer to the noun is closer in meaning to the modified. a tall

9、, dark, handsome boy (Each adjective individually modifies boy. ) the dark, cold, drafty room (The order of the adjectives is reversible. You can say: the cold, dark, drafty room. ) a dark blue tweed jacket ( Tweed modifies jacket, while dark blue modifies tweed jacket. ) large glass front doorsP8.

10、Use a comma after a long introductory phrase or clause.When the introductory element is short and there is no danger of misunderstanding, the comma is often omitted. Although none of us really enjoyed the concert, we applauded politely. With this severe part of the trek behind him, the hiker felt mo

11、re confident. Whenever I see him I remember what his friend used to say about him. After the ordeal the hiker felt more confident.P9. Use a comma/commas to set off nonrestrictive clauses or phrases.Adjective clauses and phrases are either restrictive or nonrestrictive. The restrictive modifier is es

12、sential to the identification of the word being modified and is not separated from the modified by a comma. The grade that the little boy received pleased him. The gift sitting next to me chewed gum noisily.However, nonrestrictive clauses and phrases are usually separated from the modified by a comm

13、a/commas. My brother-in-law, who lives in New York, is a chemist. (Since no identification is used, the writer is telling us that he has only one brother-in-law.) Young drivers, who are not well-trained, cause most of the minor automobile accidents. (The writer thinks most of the young drivers have

14、not received adequate training and therefore, are liable to cause accidents.)Pl0. Use commas to set off most appositives. Shakespeares last play, The Tempest, is optimistic and even sunny in mood. The new boy, the one with red hair, likes me.P11. Use a comma to set off absolute phrases.An absolute p

15、hrase consists of a noun or a pronoun and a participle. It usually modifies the sentence as a whole rather than any particular part of it. The cat being away, the mice will play. She sat there in silence, her eyes gazing outside the window.P12. Use commas to set off inserted parts. The text, however

16、, was too difficult. Her appearance, I must say, is not very charming.P13. Use commas with expressions like he said, she remarked, and she replied to set off quoted speeches. We must do it, he said, until we think of something better. He replied, Its all Greek to me.Other marks may be used instead o

17、f the comma if the sentence justifies their use. How shall I tell her? asked the boy timidly. Silence! he shouted. Go back to your bed at once!P14. Use commas to set off items in dates and addresses. He was born in Leeds, England on January 1, 1980.P15. Do not use unnecessary commas.Commas are not u

18、sed in the following positions:1. Before a coordinating conjunction joining two verbs, complements, or subordinate clauses. Wrong: I had tried very hard, but failed again. Wrong: If I can pass the exam, and you can finish your project, well take a holiday.2. Between a subject and its verb or between

19、 a verb and its complement. Wrong: The woman sitting at the far end of the table, is my mother. Wrong: Nobody can ever understand, why she dislikes children.3. Between adjectives that are not independent or between the final adjective and the noun being modified. (Usually commas are not used before

20、adjectives denoting age or size.) Wrong: this delightful, little, old man Wrong: a likable, outgoing, sort of person III SemicolonsUse a semicolon between independent clauses not joined by coordinating conjunctions (and, but, or, nor, so, yet) and between coordinate elements with internal commas.P16

21、. Use a semicolon between independent clauses not joined by a coordinating conjunction.In compound sentences that do not use a coordinating conjunction there may be no connective between the clauses, or the second clause may begin with an adverbial phrase, or a conjunctive adverb such as however, th

22、erefore, moreover, and the like. His mother wont let him; she is afraid he might get hurt. A specialist from the museum arrived and asked to examine it; then all the family became excited. The new product is in urgent need; therefore, we have to work shifts to meet the demand.P17. Use semicolons to

23、separate most clauses arranged in the form of a series.Three or more short independent clauses in a series can be separated by commas. I came, I saw, I conquered.But long independent clauses are better separated by semicolons, particularly if there is another mark of punctuation in the clauses. The

24、first week of the journey was relaxing and breezy; the second week, with longer rest periods, was even more relaxing; but the third week, which took us to four countries with the hot sun and the cold rain alternately left us numb and exhausted.P18. Do not use semicolons to separate a subordinate cla

25、use from the main clause.Wrong: Although we dont know where to go now; we shouldnt stop.IV Quotation marksUse quotation marks to enclose the exact words of a speaker or writer and to set off some titles.P19. Use double quotation marks to enclose direct quotations and dialogues. In dialogues a new pa

26、ragraph marks a change of speaker. Do you really admire me very much? he asked the little prince. What does admire mean? To admire means that you consider me the handsomest, the best dressed, the richest and the most intelligent man on this planet. But you are all alone on your planet! - The Little

27、Prince P20. Do not use quotation marks to set off an indirect quotation which is a statement giving the idea but not the exact words of a speech. He answered: I will never ever believe that. He answered that he would never ever believe that.P21. Use single quotation marks to enclose a speech within

28、another speech or a quoted word within a speech. The review explained: The writer was ironic when she advises, Go burrow underground. John said, I have just finished reading Brownings My Last Duchess.P22. Follow conventions in placing other marks of punctuation with quotation marks when used to quot

29、e a speech or writing.1. The period and the comma always come inside the quotation marks. Thats me, she said. Come in, said my father, and take off your coat.2. The semicolon and the colon always come outside the quotation marks. The customer wrote that she was not yet ready to buy the model; it was

30、 too expensive. The speaker closed with these words from Kings I Have a Dream: Let freedom ting.3. The question mark and the exclamation mark come within the quotation marks if the quoted part is a question or an exclamation; otherwise they come outside. He asked, Who is she? Did he ask, Who is she?

31、 Did he say I promise? She screamed, Run! Curse the man who whispers No!P23. Use quotation marks to set off words referred to as words.This use of quotation marks to call attention to a word is sometimes extended to include technical terms and slang. The paper was neatly written, and, except that st

32、ationary was written stationery, the spelling was correct all the way through. A field in mathematics is not what it is in agriculture. Her brother socked her in the eye and beaned her with a ruler.P24. Use quotation marks to enclose the titles of essays, articles, short stories, short poems, chapters and other subdivisions of books or periodicals). Have you re

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