
A emergency B uncertainty C disaster D reduction7、 The odor of the hospital was so unforgiving that every so often sh,贵州省情概况Brief Introduction of Guiz


1、A emergency B uncertainty C disaster D reduction7、 The odor of the hospital was so unforgiving that every so often sh。

2、贵州省情概况Brief Introduction of Guizhou Province贵州简称黔或贵,辖6个地级市3个自治州1个国家级新区,共有88个县市区,国土面积17.6万平方公里,2014年末常住人口3508万人.Guizhou p。

3、 他通常一天用一次英特网。
他们通常多久去看一次电影? 他们一周去看两次电影。
约翰通常多久帮忙做一次家务? 一个月三次。

4、网络上的故事都是过时的,要想读新故事还是要买书(不足)#3.父母与孩子一起读书可以增进感情#例文:# The speaker rebuts the reading#s argument by pointing out #the inadequacy of the web-storybook services# interaction with children, the incompleteness of the data pool, and by undermining the assumption that saving parents# reading time is a benefit.#The speaker begins by stating that merely pronouncing the words and story for the children will not provide adequate learning experiences. Despite the time saved and 。

标签 > 贵州省2016英文翻译[编号:3520160]

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