
精编学年七年级英语下册 情景交际一讲义 新人教新目标版doc情景交际一key points问天气问 Hows the weather Whats the weather like答 用 it 代表天气Its sunny and warm t,fog There is much rain / snow


1、精编学年七年级英语下册 情景交际一讲义 新人教新目标版doc情景交际一key points问天气问 Hows the weather Whats the weather like答 用 it 代表天气Its sunny and warm t。

2、fog There is much rain / snow / wind / fog here. There are many clouds in the sky.形容词:rainy; snowy; windy; clo。

标签 > 精编学年七年级英语下册情景交际一讲义新人教新目标版doc精编[编号:1584871]

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