
开心英语五年级上册知识点2015开心版五年级英语上期末复习宝典一 基础知识要点Unit 1 Seasons and Weather一Vocabulary : sunny cloudy 有y结尾的天气形容词. 晴朗的 多云的1.Weather,同步学一款与课本配套的app2015开心版五年级英语上期末


1、开心英语五年级上册知识点2015开心版五年级英语上期末复习宝典一 基础知识要点Unit 1 Seasons and Weather一Vocabulary : sunny cloudy 有y结尾的天气形容词. 晴朗的 多云的1.Weather。

2、同步学一款与课本配套的app2015开心版五年级英语上期末复习宝典一 基础知识要点Unit 1 Seasons and Weather一Vocabulary : sunny cloudy 有y结尾的天气形容词. 晴朗的 多云的1.Weath。

3、考点练习卷一, 选择题.1. Whats the weather like fall A. in B. on C. at 2. Is it in spring Yes, it is. A. hot B. rainy C. cold3. Wh。

4、Unit 1 My schoolTarget I. Sentences:1. Theres a hall, a gym2. How many classrooms are there There are twentyfive classro。

5、 Have some activities to go over the Book 2 dice game class collage chant markers listen carefully 。

6、r. his. her.our .their.its 6名词性物主代词有:mine. yours .his .hers. ours .theirs. its7.用动词原形的; do .dont does . does。

7、Talking about the weather and the seasons教学重点词汇January February March April May June after befour句型When is w。


9、五年级上册英语课件Unit5SchoolLunch9广东开心英语五年级上册英语课件Unit5SchoolLunch9广东开心英语 Gogo is in the school with Tony and Jenny.果果和托尼珍妮在学校.我起。


11、开心学英语四年级英语下册教案全册Unit 1 My schoolTarget I. Sentences:1. Theres a hall, a gym2. How many classrooms are there There are tw。

12、开心学英语四年级英语下册教案新版Unit 1 of Book 4 第一课时My School. Topic: Book4 Unit 1 My school Vocabulary, Target. Teaching objects 1. La。

13、五年级英语单词开心版word文档良心出品开心英语五年级单词上Unit1farmer 农民factory worker 工人aunt 姑妈;婶婶;姨妈;舅妈 uncle 伯伯;叔叔;姑父;姨夫;舅舅cousin 堂兄弟或堂姐妹;表兄弟或表姐妹。


15、新版开心学英语四年级英语下册教案Unit 1 My schoolTargetI Sentences:1 Theres a hall, a gym2 How many classrooms are there There are twenty。

16、新版开心学英语四年级英语下册教案docUnit 1 My schoolTargetI. Sentences:1. Theres a hall, a gym2. How many classrooms are there There are 。

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