
前殿大家看,殿前有副非常奇妙的对联。相传为明朝著名才子徐渭所作。这副对联十分巧妙的利用汉字的一字多音、一字多意的谐音特点,“朝”通“潮”,“长”通“涨”,从而形成了十八种读法,这里我给大家读一种最常用的读法。,9. What is Millies school life like?A. It is



2、9. What is Millies school life likeA. It is fun. B. It is busy. C. It is boring. 10. Can the girl watch the car。

3、 keeping a good lifestyle. A. For B. As C. By D. With2. Excuse me. Could you tell me where I can b。

4、 A. Warm and wet B. Cold and wet C. Fine and cold12. Who is Suzys friend A. Jack B. Simon C. Amy13. Where 。

5、9. What is Millies school life likeA. It is fun. B. It is busy. C. It is boring. 10. Can the girl watch the cart。

6、A鲁菜 B川菜 C苏菜 D粤菜5佛教传入中国后,在汉族地区形成了许多宗派,其中在中国文化思想史上影响最大的是 .A净土宗 B天台宗 C禅宗 D三论宗6观音菩萨的道场在 .A浙江普陀山 B山西五台山。

7、听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间.每段对话或独白读两遍.听第6段材料,回答第67题.6. What does the man offer to do for the womanA. Stay at home with。

8、II.听句子,选出该句的最佳答语.共5小题,每小题1分,计5分6. A. Im fine. B. Im reading C. Im nineteen.7. A. Sure. B. Good idea. 。

9、afternoon8 How many balloonsLets count. Four.9 AaKk中的元音字母是: Aa; Ee; Ii Ee160。

10、 4. You look happy today.A你们今天看起来很不高兴.B你们今天看起来很高兴. 5. Today is the first day of Septemper.A今天是九月的第一天.B。

11、 Who has authority for what What do you need to complete to graduate4. Write the word STUDY on the walls of our 。

12、C To buy some newspapers.13. Why didnt Tom come to school yesterdayA His father was ill. B He was ill C His mother。


14、 C. No, I cant.9. A. Sorry, I dont know. B. Certainly, good idea. C. Sure, no problem.10. A. I like English.160。

15、discuss, report, activity,New phrasessummer camp, the Great Wall, the Palace Museum, Tianan Men Square, go to the m。

16、 Who has authority for what What do you need to complete to graduate4. Write the word STUDY on the walls of our 。

17、4. Your little dog will need time to her new environment. A. contribute B. apply to C. devote to D. ajust to5. Th。

18、17. Whats Lindas telephone numberA.2351695 B. 2352783 C. 235618518.What color is Mikes rulerA. Orange 。

19、秦皇岛英语导游词3篇秦皇岛英语导游词范文1:Everybody is goodAfter I know, most of the friends came to qinhuangdao is the first time, you must。

20、秦皇岛祖山景区导游词文档4篇秦皇岛祖山景区导游词文档4篇Tour guide words of Zushan scenic spot in Qinhuangdao编订:JinTai College秦皇岛祖山景区导游词文档4篇前言:导游词是导。

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