
绥化地区历史结业考试试题及答案 ,e sight of a mouse era 那样见到老鼠就跳到椅子上#6.That last ounce of self-control is what really counts.#这多出来的一点自制力才是真正起作用的。#7.motion to sb 向某人示意


1、e sight of a mouse era 那样见到老鼠就跳到椅子上#6.That last ounce of self-control is what really counts.#这多出来的一点自制力才是真正起作用的。
#7.motion to sb 向某人示意#signal to sb#8.whisper sth to sb 向某人嘀咕,耳语#9.the America comes to with a start.#这个美国博物学家突然醒悟了 .#Startle startled#10.bait for a snake 蛇的诱饵#11.an empty room 一个空房子#a bare marble floor 没铺地毯的大理石地板#barely any hair=hardly/scarcely any hair#12.serve the next course 上下一道菜#a course of dish 一道菜#13.frighten sb into doing sth 吓得某人去做 #persu。

标签 > 绥化地区历史结业[编号:2729967]

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