
内蒙古呼和浩特市八上英语选择题易错易混选择题300题精粹一选择题1Great changes took place in China .Ain the 1980s Bin the 1980 Cin 1980s Don the 19802题文,Asalt BpopcornCwatermelons Dy


1、内蒙古呼和浩特市八上英语选择题易错易混选择题300题精粹一选择题1Great changes took place in China .Ain the 1980s Bin the 1980 Cin 1980s Don the 19802题文。

2、Asalt BpopcornCwatermelons Dyogurt11Of all Gong Linnas songs, I like her Uneasy忐忑 .Awell B。

3、 As is known to all, swimming is good peoples health. A. in B. for C. at D. to6. We cant get there 。

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6、09高考英语语法易混易错选择题Three years later he turned doctor.Three years later he becamedoctor.A. an B. a C. 不填 D. theMy brother of。

7、 A. Which B. As C. It D. That 7. He must have lived here for 10 years, he He must have finished the wor。

8、The population of this country about 13,000,000.A. has B. have C. is D. are Mary used to have with 。

9、A. has B. have C. is D. are Mary used to have with her husband before they aparted.Mary is asking for you. M。

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19、精选英语相似易混单词对比记忆第31天crank a. 脾气暴躁的,易怒的;n.曲柄craft n. 1. 工艺,技巧 2. 单复数相同飞船,飞机crazy a. 1. 疯的 2. 荒唐的3.狂热的,热衷的mad a. 1. 疯狂的2. 愚蠢。

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