
最新主谓一致单元测试题含答案最新主谓一致单元测试题含答案一主谓一致1 Drive slowly, Mary. is something ahead on the road.AIt BThis CThat DThere答案D解析试题分析:句意,最新 主谓一致单元测试题 含答案word最新 主谓一致单元


1、最新主谓一致单元测试题含答案最新主谓一致单元测试题含答案一主谓一致1 Drive slowly, Mary. is something ahead on the road.AIt BThis CThat DThere答案D解析试题分析:句意。

2、最新 主谓一致单元测试题 含答案word最新 主谓一致单元测试题 含答案word一主谓一致1 Anna her brother like listening to soft music.ABoth; and BNeither; nor CE。

3、初中英语语法专项练习十二主谓一致1. Either Jane or Steven watching TV now. A. were B. is C. was D. are 2. Two days enough for me to finis。

4、主谓一致一一主谓一致三原则主谓一致是指谓语动词与主语在人称和数上保持一致,主谓一致必须遵循三原则:1. 语法一致原则 grammatical concord 2. 意义一致原则 notional concord 3. 就近原则 princi。

5、主谓一致练习1.I, who your friend, will try my best to help you with your English.A.am B.is C.are D.be2. The rich not always ha。

6、主谓一致基础测试题主谓一致基础测试题一主谓一致1Andy, with his parents, Hong Kong, and some shopping by them.Ahave gone to; will do Bhas gone to。

7、主谓一致单元测试题含答案 经典主谓一致单元测试题含答案 经典一主谓一致1题文Neither Tom nor I interested in playing WeChat.AamBisCareDbe答案A解析详解句意:汤姆和我都对玩微信不感兴。

8、主谓一致练习题含答案1主谓一致练习题含答案1一主谓一致1 Im getting hungry. Do you know where we can get some good food Of course There a restaurant。

9、初中英语 主谓一致测试题及答案初中英语 主谓一致测试题及答案一主谓一致1Where would you like to go tomorrow, Beijing or Xian is OK. Its up to you.AEither BN。

10、最新 主谓一致单元测试题含答案最新 主谓一致单元测试题含答案一主谓一致1 a big clock on the wallYes,but it was broken in the earthquake.AHave you got BDid y。

11、英语主谓一致难题及答案英语主谓一致难题及答案一主谓一致1Why are you in such a hurry, JohnThere a basketball match between Class Three and our class 。

12、主谓一致专题含答案含答案解析主谓一致专题含答案含答案解析一主谓一致1The life we were used to greatly since 1992.Achange Bhave changed Cchanging Dhas chang。

13、英语 主谓一致单元测试题含答案英语 主谓一致单元测试题含答案一主谓一致1题文Neither Tom nor I interested in playing WeChat.AamBisCareDbe答案A解析详解句意:汤姆和我都对玩微信不感兴。

14、主谓一致综合测试含答案20202021年 主谓一致综合测试含答案一主谓一致1 something wrong with my bike. Can I use yoursAIt is BIt was CThere is DThere was答。

15、最新主谓一致难题及答案1最新主谓一致难题及答案1一主谓一致1Theremany trees at the foot of the mountain.But now they are slowly disappearing because o。

16、主谓一致试题集经典主谓一致试题集经典一主谓一致1There a great concert in the theater next Saturday evening.Awill be Bwill haveChas Dis going to 。

17、最新主谓一致难题及答案最新主谓一致难题及答案一主谓一致1There a charity show at the school hall next week.Awas Bwill beChas been Dare答案B解析试题分析:句意:下周。

18、专题 主谓一致教案中考复习专题十主谓一致课题主谓一致教学目标知识:掌握主谓一致的语法一致意义一致就近一致的原则,以及不定代词和特殊名词做主语的用法能力:掌握主谓一致的语法一致意义一致就近一致的原则,以及不定代词和特殊名词做主语的用法重点难点。

19、英语 主谓一致练习题含答案外研版英语 主谓一致练习题含答案一主谓一致1the teachers in their school is about 200 and one fourth of them are teachers.AThe nu。

20、主谓一致综合测试含答案1主谓一致综合测试含答案1一主谓一致1题文Neither Tom nor I interested in playing WeChat.AamBisCareDbe答案A解析详解句意:汤姆和我都对玩微信不感兴趣.neit。

最新 主谓一致单元测试题 含答案word.docx
《主谓一致》单元测试题含答案 经典.docx
初中英语 主谓一致测试题及答案.docx
最新 主谓一致单元测试题含答案.docx
英语 主谓一致单元测试题含答案.docx
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