
标准听力六标准听力六Part III Listening Comprehension 35 minutesSection A11. A Call a repairperson soon. B Ask the man to fix her r, Here comes my secretary. She


1、标准听力六标准听力六Part III Listening Comprehension 35 minutesSection A11. A Call a repairperson soon. B Ask the man to fix her r。

2、 Here comes my secretary. Shes an extremely good-looking young woman, dont you think?W: Yes, but I heard that her 。

3、标准听力标准听力一Part III Listening Comprehension 35 minutesSection A11. A It is definitely worthwhile.B It may not be so good n。

4、B Take the dictionary out of the library.C Borrow her English teachers dictionary.D Buy her own German-Englis。

5、12. W: I saw you in the lecture hall yesterday on your way out to Prof. Warners philosophy class. I was quite surpris。

男士说他很讨厌和蚊子作斗争,紧接着用but转折,说but if you have your heart set on it”(但是,如果你非常想去看)。

7、B Take the dictionary out of the library.C Borrow her English teachers dictionary.D Buy her own German-Englis。

8、B Take the dictionary out of the library.C Borrow her English teachers dictionary.D Buy her own German-Englis。

9、 C Mary helped a lot in cooking the dish. D The woman has never cooked before.15. A She is not a very famous 。

10、 C He often fills the kitchen with tomatoes and chocolate. D He doesnt like to prepare food for the club members.。

11、标准听力六 标准听力十试题及答案解析文本文件标准听力六Part III Listening Comprehension 35 minutesSection A11. A Both speakers think half of the sta。

12、标准听力一听力原文及答案解析标准听力一听力原文及答案解析Part III Listening ComprehensionSection A11. W: I thought you were going to drive carefully 。

13、标准听力一 标准听力五试题及答案解析文本文件66页word资料标准听力一语文课本中的文章都是精选的比较优秀的文章,还有不少名家名篇.如果有选择循序渐进地让学生背诵一些优秀篇目精彩段落,对提高学生的水平会大有裨益.现在,不少语文教师在分析课文。

14、四级标准听力四级标准听力四Part III Listening Comprehension 35 minutesSection A11. A Take the camera back to the store. B Get a specia。

15、标准听力一 标准听力十听力原文及答案解析文本文件标准听力一听力原文及答案解析Listening ComprehensionSection A11. W: Im sorry, Mike. I have to put off our meeti。

16、标准听力六 标准听力十试题及解析文本文件标准听力六Part III Listening Comprehension 35 minutesSection A11. A He accepts the womans invitation.B He。

17、标准听力7原文标准听力七听力原文及答案解析Listening ComprehensionSection A11. W: Ill make your flight reservations by phone now and then writ。

18、英语的标准听力标准听力十试题及解析标准听力六Part III Listening Comprehension 35 minutesSection A11. A She felt lost with her work. B She had a。

19、标准听力一 标准听力五试题及答案解析文本文件标准听力一Part III Listening Comprehension 35 minutesSection A11. A Both speakers think half of the sta。

20、标准听力2标准听力二Part III Listening Comprehension 35 minutesSection A11. A The professor has graded the paper. B The professor 。

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