
I form no habit of looking up.I live near the sea for years.Too much water, saltier than tears,Floats some directi,9407陈正康考研英语超精读完美打印版1994年真题超精读Passag


1、I form no habit of looking up.I live near the sea for years.Too much water, saltier than tears,Floats some directi。

2、9407陈正康考研英语超精读完美打印版1994年真题超精读Passage Oneorganize vt.组织private a.私人的,个人的marketoriented a.以市场为导向的largely ad. 主要地,在很大程度上mar。

3、hire = employ vt.雇;雇佣gain control over A 获得对A的控制natural resources 自然资源concept n.概念embr。

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