
1. 通过各种形式的阅读活动,了解人类历史上三项重要发明wheel, telephone and light bulb的发明者、发明时间和作用影响等。能够复述其中一段。2. 了解什么是skimming,利用本课尝试skimmin,petcatbymyself.花太多的时间看电脑对你的眼睛有害。_ t


1、1. 通过各种形式的阅读活动,了解人类历史上三项重要发明wheel, telephone and light bulb的发明者发明时间和作用影响等.能够复述其中一段.2. 了解什么是skimming,利用本课尝试skimmin。

2、物主 own v. adj. bath 洗澡;沐浴 path;both 15.pour 涌流;倾斜 four;tour 旅行;sour 酸;hour;your our 16.pl。

3、 ride a bicycle骑单车; plaano弹钢琴; wash my clothes do some washing洗衣服 拓展:wash ones face; comb ones hair; pac。

4、t.Were you at home last nightYes, I was.No, I wasnt.你昨晚在家吗是的,我在家.不,我不在家.特殊疑问。

5、I like many sports. Im good at swimming and playing basketball. These are my favourite hobbies.I want to make friends。

6、 r t最喜欢的 subjects s bd ekt科目;主题 are Mathsm s数学 , Art and Sciencesa ns科学 . I。

7、明白清楚的形容词tidy, clean, clear都是既可以作动词,又可以作形容词.2. put 代词 on 把放在 上面; put on 穿上,戴上3.clean and tidy 又干净又整洁。

8、教学目标1. Students can master how to pronounce the new words and master the meanings of the words .2. Students can use 。

9、That boy .13.实际上,多年以前这个地方被树覆盖着. , this place was covered with trees many years ago。

10、3在某些词组中,代替介词per,作每一讲. twice a day, 5 dollars a kilo I play computer games once a week.注意: a an 。

11、10. Who is the young student in your class11. My father go to work by bus every day.1。

12、You should take some time to check your answer. is the time for sb to do sth 是某人做某事的时候It is the time for you to w。

13、 让我们集思广益,决定一项行动计划. She is accused of stealing from the cash box. 她被指控从现金柜里偷钱.4. 介词后面接名词代词宾格形式动词等词。

14、根据你所听到的对话和问题,从ABC三个选项中选出最恰当的答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑. 7. A. She reads in the library. B. She goes shopping. C. She b。

15、 The teacher my homework.3疼痛不断增强,我不得不卧床休息.The pain steadily, so I had to stay in bed.influence影响。

16、frightening adj. 吓人的,可怕的frightened adj.受惊吓的,害怕的be frightened of be afraid of by sth to do sth7. choose 。


18、Its time for bed. Its time to go to bed.该睡觉了.Its time for them to go back to the classroom.他们该回教室了.Althou。

19、完整牛津深圳版初一下学期英语知识点总结推荐文档Chapter One Travel一课文重点词语与短语plan 计划 plan to do sth. 计划去做某事offer 提供 offer sb. sth. offer sth. to s。

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