
重庆市公交首末站建设标准, double portraits#painted by Modigliani to have been recorded by Ambrogio Ceroni in#his 1970 catalogue raisonn#. Throughout his entire oe


1、 double portraits#painted by Modigliani to have been recorded by Ambrogio Ceroni in#his 1970 catalogue raisonn#. Throughout his entire oeuvre,#Modigliani generally dedicated himself to the isolated figure,#exploring no compositional device other than a single human being#viewed face to face. For the most part, it was enough for the#artist#s intense observation of individual characterization to#engage with a single model, yet his rare ventures into multiple#figure a。

标签 > 重庆市公交首末站建设[编号:3618804]

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