
guns916,80019,500Ourschoolsbecomebattleground.Why?10,Morning.-你在这干嘛 -回去- What are you doing here? - Get inside!回屋里去Get back inside!卡嗝 他怎么又出来了Hiccup! W



2、Morning.-你在这干嘛 -回去- What are you doing here? - Get inside!回屋里去Get back inside!卡嗝 他怎么又出来了Hiccup! What is 。

3、梦乡Dreamland电影字幕对白中英文对照看美剧学英语打印word版 This is my halfbrothers story. 这是我同母异父哥哥的故事 This is my halfbrothers story. 梦乡 I tell。

4、生活大爆炸第10季第22集美剧字幕对白中英文对照看电影学英语打印word版Were pinned down 被敌人包围We cant get through 我们冲不出去了Sheldon, get over here and help 谢尔。

5、生活大爆炸第12季第11集字幕对白中英文对照看电影学英语打印word版Champagne, a champagne, 香槟 香槟a champagne with a packet of Splenda in it. 一杯加了一包代糖的香槟 。

6、生活大爆炸第12季第6集字幕对白纯英文看电影学英语打印word版Hey, did you guys know this years the 40th anniversary of HalloweenOh, nonsense.Hallowee。

7、 he lost his father. 他失去了他的父亲 Youre just leaving?你就这么走了吗 An absence was created 父亲的缺失。

8、You see, most places have mice or mosquitoes.而我们有卡嗝他怎么又出来了We haveHiccup! What is he doing out again你出来干什么。

9、迷人的维京风度还不够吓人Like our charming Viking demeanor wouldnt do that.早上好Morning.-你在这干嘛 -回去- What are y。

10、生活大爆炸第11季第21集字幕对白纯英文看电影学英语打印word版What are you doingPigeon check for Sheldon.North sides all clearGreat. Lets look at som。

11、生活大爆炸第11季第21集字幕对白中英文对照看电影学英语打印word版What are you doing 你在干嘛Pigeon check for Sheldon. 帮谢尔顿检查有没有鸽子North sides all clear 北面检。

12、生活大爆炸第12季第5集字幕对白纯英文看电影学英语打印word版Recently, 12 new moons were discovered orbiting Jupiter,bringing the total up to 79.As a。

13、生活大爆炸第11季第20集字幕对白中英文对照看电影学英语打印word版If Bruce Banners driving a rental car 如果布鲁斯班纳在开租来的车时and turns into the Hulk, do you t。

14、生活大爆炸第11季第11集美剧字幕对白中英文对照看电影学英语打印word版Previously on The Big Bang Theory. 生活大爆炸前情提要Want to grab some lunch 想去吃午饭吗You know 。

15、生活大爆炸第12季第12集字幕对白中英文对照看电影学英语打印word版Previously on The Big Bang Theory. 生活大爆炸前情提要So I told my mom she just needed to back 。

16、生活大爆炸第12季第4集字幕对白中英文对照看电影学英语打印word版Hey, whatcha doing 你在干嘛呢Improving our wedding photos. 把我们的结婚照修更好Oh, thats nice. 那挺好Wai。

17、生活大爆炸第12季第10集字幕对白中英文对照看电影学英语打印word版Previously on The Big Bang Theory. 生活大爆炸前情提要Actually, II need to talk to both of you 。

18、生活大爆炸第12季第22集字幕对白纯英文看电影学英语打印word版Leonard, when are you leavingto pick your mother up from the airportUh, well, lets see。

19、 世界末日80 心舍世界末日80 心舍电影英语对白 2012 世界末日Adrian:Hey,hey,watchout,watchout.watchout:小心,堤防嗨,嗨,小心点小心点Satnam:Welcome myfriend欢迎你,我。

20、生活大爆炸第12季第5集字幕对白中英文对照看电影学英语打印word版Recently, 12 new moons were discovered orbiting Jupiter, 最近我们又发现了12颗绕着木星公转的卫星bringing 。

21、生活大爆炸第10季第21集美剧字幕对白中英文对照看电影学英语打印word版All right, were about to go live. 好啦 节目马上开始直播Everyone on their Agame 大家拿出最佳表现Good e。

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